Safecoin VS SAFE Storage

Really it is two sides of the same problem IMO. If whatever it is we are trying to value using Safecoin requires looking at ten zeroes on the left or right of the decimal then it is not aesthetically pleasing (is that 10 or 11 zeros, hard to tell at a quick glance). The interface can help make it easier on the eyes using as you say notation for hundreds, thousands, and conversely micro, mill etc. Ideally the most common things that Safecoin is used by humans to value is around 1 Safecoin ±100 but long term who knows where the market will price Safecoin, and is it really a problem anyway? The main reason I started posting on this topic back on the divisibility thread was concern from a usability perspective of introducing sub-currencies and exotic methods to represent fractions or groups of Safecoins which then leads to a lot of extra complexity that normal people have never had to deal with when using any other currency. People will not understand If you can’t take two halves and make a whole out of their Safecoin - it is added complexity and for what gain?

I think @dyamanaka idea is interesting and analogous to the Petrodollar. Most of the world must buy and hold USD if they want to purchase or sell oil but normal people outside that industry do not go around valuing things in barrels, gallons or litres of oil as a result no matter how volatile the US dollar gets or how much it has depreciated over time. So from that point of view I am sceptical that attempting to introduce and additional SAFE MB as a unit of account will be useful to people trying to value their goods and services but hey, who knows. As long as it is not forced on people it could work for those outside the industry of space allocation.

So is Safecoin to be a currency or a stock? If Safecoin is a stock then things get complicated - it does not serve the function of money and so is of little use pricing a wide array of goods and services from the very cheap to the very expensive, so what intrinsic value is backing the Safecoin stock if there is no future cash flow associated with it? If it is a currency then things are simpler. If due to many killer apps Safecoin becomes valuable, or due to inertia/apathy/complexity and lack of understanding by the wider internet community the value of a Safecoin falls very low Vs $USD, then pricing a 100GB “good” is the same method as valuing a news service subscription or anything else would be: it will adjust organically to some multiple or fraction of a Safecoin the way all goods and services are priced in any other currency and if that means 13 zeros before or after the decimal and need for unit notation then I do not see the problem.

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