SAFE Network - Test 15

Its actually been said that PUTs are to be paid for with MDs. But the actual specifications have not been explored by the team yet, but it has been said that MDs are different in this regard.

Guess I should now go looking for the statement.
Here @frabrunelle mentions that MD updates maybe chargeable and the rate to be worked out. SAFEcoins though are handled differently and not charged for but perhaps if the user sets the ledger bit that ledger entry will have to be paid for.

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I see your safe://inirvinewetrust.drehb
and raise you safe://inirvinewerust.scotcoin/ :grinning:

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Haha, nice! I fold (despite your string bet).
I typed in your address wrong at first

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Did I read somewhere that there are 100 MaidSafe nodes?
Which would imply we have around 40 actual community testing nodes. This time around I am only running one AWS instance as a node.

It would make more sense to link the tRust button on safe://inirvinewerust.scotcoin/ to an actual Rust tutorial - or even the Scottish Maritime Museum page on that particular boat but I seem to only be able to get safe: pages rendering on Beaker, no “clearweb” http: or https:.
Am I doing something stupid or is this intended behaviour?

I noticed the same when I clicked the link to in the browser favorites

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Intended - is a security measure to prevent tracking etc by hiding links in SAFE websites that access the web.


Fair enough - is that enough chars now?

so amazing! Thank You for the good work!


Everything OK? I am suddenly Managing 66 client accounts. That seems like a lot…


I also see the number x in the ‘…Managing x client accounts’-loglines increasing more rapidly the last couple of hours for the 2 vaults that I’m running. I’m also curious what this means.


I have 100 managed client accounts…


117 for me now. Adding one managed client account every minute. The amount stored is growing steadily too - about 40mb in half an hour


Same observation for me in my vault.

You can see that the number of immutable data stored in the chunk store is also rising rapidly. This is either SAFE test network becoming successful with a lot of people suddenly using it, or (more likely) someone running a script with a loop creating accounts and filling the network using the full PUT balance of each account.

I hope the experiment is temporary. If the aim is to disrupt the network, then it proves nothing about network robustness because this is easy to do until real safecoins are implemented.


What is the latest estimate of the network size? I am using screen which does not allow me to scroll back up to see the latest figure.

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144 for me - 20 characters
EDIT- and 132 managed clients…

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Real number of nodes is 150 (see safe://galaxy)


152 and 166 for me.
Also: this night the hour changes (Daylight Saving). But I guess the vault won’t have a problem with that.

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By all accounts the network doesn’t understand time… so, it won’t miss that extra hour’s sleep.


The malicious script is still going full speed ahead. I made an estimate of how long it will take to fill the network:

During the last 30 mn my chunk store size increase was 28040 KB. The default max size is 5GB (this is configurable but I doubt that many people increased the limit). Let us say that remaining free space is generally 4GB. The remaining time before network is full is then approximatively:
4000000 * 30 / 28040 / 60 = 71.32 hours ≈ 3 days.

But maybe things will go wrong before that, because churns events will be very costly when vaults are full.

I am tired and I need to go to sleep now. Let us hope that the attacker will have given up tomorrow.