SAFE Network Logo Competition – Final Vote

The logo files will be made publicly available on the MaidSafe website in a few days time. It could then be used as the forum logo for example, but that means the moderators will have to agree on this. I’m hoping this will be the case of course, but it’s not up to the competition team. Our job was to take the steps necessary to get to the logo :innocent:


The moderators moderate. The community makes these sorts of decisions.

Please set up a poll and let’s “gitr done”


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While the democratic nature of this community is a great thing, I don’t think a vote is needed. It would be kind of rediculous not to change to the official logo.


I liked the reply by @BIGbtc for the fact he says the community decides these things and mods just mod. But I agree with you. We have a new logo so we should use it.


Im addressing the comment about mods making decisions like that. They don’t and won’t ever. if the moderators think they have any sort decision making power they have another thing coming.

I’m pretty sure that they don’t. Given the nature of the entire project.

Design 620 is great in my opinion when viewed as a cube, but when collapsed to a hexagon it becomes a centralized network- is that what should be conveyed?

I made the centralized point during the vote.
I now for the first time see it as a cube, you just saved it for me :grinning:
Thank you


You mean you don’t see it as a hexagonal swastika with a broken arm? :slight_smile:

I guess you will now… :slight_smile:

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Haha I guess it will mean different things to different people, hallmark of a great logo!
It just went from snowflake to cool cube for me so I am happy :grinning:


I saw the snow flake too and the bee like hex also the 45 LP record plastic adapter and the Necker Cube. One talented designer that could get all that in there (all prior themes) but you know when it flips to cube you can see centralized against decentralized network which is our present condition. Is it like the old MIPs SGI symbol or even NeXt symbol.

The logo files have now been added to the assets page on :slight_smile:


Great work everyone - special thanks to @Krekc and other members of the committee for their work on this.

We now have a graphic that all app / web app developers can use to shout “this is for SAFEnetwork” by including it in their products and marketing!

This little ‘mark’ will I hope soon be associated with “Secure Access For Everyone” and users will begin to look for it once they realise this is something important to them.


Winner for me is number 619. Hexagon - looks great!

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Any thoughts on using the new logo for the forum?


Yes please. The dev forum is already doing that and it looks great!

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I feel it won’t take too long before the new logo will appear on this forum as well :slight_smile:


I don’t think they should use the same logo, or even slightly different ones unless the forums are made visually distinctive in some other way (eg header colour - actually I think a slightly different logo plus different header colour would be the ideal). Otherwise they become too easy to confuse, for new visitors and existing users.

I think it’s helpful if they are kept obviously different in some way, and not just the title text! :slight_smile:

Color? … 20 20

I’d say use the logo the way it is everywhere so that people get familiar with it. I see no need to modify it slightly for every use. For the forum it’s enough to put the text ‘SAFE Network Forum’ next to it in my opinion.