SAFE Network Dev Update - May 14, 2020

Congrats! That’s awesome, and amazing work from @bochaco and the rest of the @maidsafe team. I’m assuming AppendOnly data still has its place for files containers though and this was just for testing purposes? Unless Sequence has an AppendOnly function for files containers to support perpetual web? Would be nice to keep a finger on that one.

Nice work as usual in BLS @qi_ma and @adam in routing

Everything is maturing and is on a path to merge into a cohesive network fueled by big dreams and collaboration. A thing of beauty I must say. :smiley:

Keep up the great work everyone!


I definitely think so!!

Another great update from the MaidSafe crew! A lot of exciting progress on multiple fronts. I also appreciate the refinement process to drive towards the most streamlined experience possible :smile:


Just because someone is a native speaker doesn’t mean that they know how to translate, you can’t just bring anyone and expect to do an accurate translation.

Even professional translators who aren’t used to the computer jargon can get it wrong.
From now on we should focus on displaying a professional image to the world if we want to get taken seriously.


Really great to hear this! It sounds like vaults from home are set to make a triumphant return soon! For me, this is the point where the network starts to feel ‘real’. Keep up the great work guys!


In my experience, it’s easier to pay someone for a translation and then edit the finished text. I’m sure there will be people from the community to edit the text so that it looks professional


As usual, @piluso makes an important point.

My experience is pretty much the opposite. In any case, one can get a raw translation from Google.


This is great to see and all bits that make the user experience more fluid will make it easy for people to use the SafeNetwork.


The Public Sequence data type will expose the same type of functionalities as the PubishedAppendOnly, so it’s aimed at support perpetual web, and we will be able to remvoe AppendOnlyData. We are trying to move towards what was discussed in [RFC] Data Types Refinement


Thanks @bochaco! Okay, good to know. Part of question though is with Sequence is the Append Only functionality enforced with regards to file containers and versioning? My intuition is telling me that it’s probably a yes otherwise pWeb would be very inconsistent and not very perpetual. I’ll go over the refinements RFC again as well.


Yes, FilesContainers and NRSMapContainers will be migrated to use Public Sequence as their native data type, a Public Sequence data allows you to only append to, so these containers work exactly the same, in fact the code change is trivial, instead of calling AppendOnlyData.append() we internally call PublicSequence.append(). I hope I’m not misunderstanding your question.

Edit: note eventually we will also have Private FilesContainers, which will internally use Private Sequence data type.


Nope. Perfect explanation and easy to follow! Thanks again :pray:


You got me hook, line, and sinker. Could you give an example of best use case(s) for this possibly? I’m thinking just private directory, storage backup, private website?, can use NRS?, do private names the same as public conflict with each other?, does this specifically have share permissions?


Well, all files you want to store privately and/or for sharing with others, like your photo albums etc., that’s where we’ll need a Private FilesContainers and Private ImmutableData files, so yes, all uses cases which need a private file storage on SAFE.

Private NRS is a bit tricky, and not sure if really necessary if we are able to have the labeling stuff. We could go for the choice of sharing the public NRS names namespace with the private NRS names, but to me it sounds like we better reserve the NRS names to be always public, just a first personal thought. Alternatively we could have a separate namespace, i.e. using a variation in the way we obtain the location for an NRS name, e.g. for a private NRS name we do sha3(<name> + "_private") as opposed to the sha3(<name>) we do for public NRS names. Just random thoughts, I don’t think this has been discussed too much, so perhaps a nice topic to trigger the discussion for eventually. One problem though is how do you flag that a URL is a private NRS URL…?..


Agreed, thanks again for taking the time on the explanations :smile:


Small and very pedantic point but why FilesContainers and not FileContainers?


I’m not sure I should answer as a non-native English speaker, but isn’t a FilesContainers == “many containers where each contains many files”, and FileContainers == “many containers where each contains a single file” ??


Yes, I should have used FilesContainer singular for the example. FileContainer would scan easier, like filesystem, file manager - no need for file to be plural. Not a biggie but I do a double-take every time I use it.


I think it would be a great idea to focus on China because China has a censored internet and a large population. Maidsafe uncensored anonymous internet adds much more value in a country like this.


I think it is important to have some kind of translation even if it is not perfect. Then anyone who thinks they have improvements can comment and the best suggestions can be put into the final text. The translations will evolve and improve slowly because everyone will have something to look at and comment on. The translations will hopefully be fantastic by the time the network is finished. What if the perfect translator doesn’t show up? If it hasn’t happened yet it might not happen.


Yes - it might help to look at translation in Darwinian terms — Little tiny advantages make a difference. Over time these differences mean the survival or non survival.
In many cases it is NOT survival of the fittest, it is survival of the slightly fitter.

A Google translation into a previously untouched language makes us slightly fitter. A proper tech translation makes us very much fitter. Until we can afford to pay for the pro translators, we should be using Google Translate and other free tools to help us spread the word in every language available.

Lets not make the perfect become the enemy of the “good enough to start with” if that makes us slightly fitter.