SAFE Network Dev Update - March 5, 2020

Not really. The client didn’t time out for a large file in a single vault. The file, though large, was being split into chunks so there wasn’t an issue(since there was no requirement for consensus).


Congratulations to all! A lot of years of hard labor … but the journey is just beginning!

Now that the baby is released, let the nappy changing commence!


:slight_smile: Seriously though, great amazing wonderful job Maidsafe team!!!

edit: I just pulled that off the webz … please change the #failure, into #success in your mind.


Thanks for all the hard work getting this out there everyone!

Having to strictly ration and focus my SAFE time so not gonna be able to test this one out sorry, but looking forward to keeping up with progress to the next step…


Great work maidsafe team! Launched my own baby fleming network on my Win 10 PC and it worked like a charm. The launch tool is really handy and a great improvement in comparison to previous test networks!

Already excited to see baby-fleming growing up! :smiley:


Not only the SAFE team deserve all our appreciation but also the whole community for coming to the rescue when it was needed! :slight_smile:


Now we need the world to take note :muscle:


Lovelly, finally something I can test and comprehend. It is a long time ago that happened in regards to SAFE.


@Harvindar Have you starred all the repos in Githb? Have you shared with all your social media?

Apologies if you have already done this but raising conciousness of the project is something we can all do our little bit to move along.

Please help to make the world take note. If you have pals into crypto point out to them that MAID is seriously underpriced and will shortly be worth an awful lot more :slight_smile:


Done. Liked everything on all platforms i am on :+1:t2: I have been doing that for years.


Excellent :slight_smile:

May I ask your native language? Hint, I’m trawling, not trolling, for translators :slight_smile:

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First update I didn’t read on a Thursday and my weekend is booked solid! I’ve been waiting for this and now have to wait until at least Monday… Not happy Bob… Not happy.

My personal disappointment aside, this is fantastic news, and as always, keep up the fantastic work Maidsafe crew. You guys are like the little engine that could. Keep chugging along and we’ll hit the other side!


Thank you for the heavy work team MaidSafe! What was once a dream is turning into reality tomorrow! :dragon:

I add the translation into Bulgarian in the first post :dragon:


I’m getting closer, but since you run the SAFE CLI on a mac, I would appreciate it if you could just list a quick, how to, guide of installing and running the CLI on a mac, when you have time. Thanks so much!

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This is an ideal opportunity for a community member to help out - anyone on Mac able to provide this?


Not yet but Mrs Southside is getting a Mac tablet of some sort from work next week. I intend to explore…


The single source of truth needs a refresh:
Download SAFE’s latest versions
just noticing that, as it is usefully among the default topics visible to users not logged into the forum.


So, having tried yesterday to avoid reading instructions, I jumped into the CLI, which prompted happy memories of MUD clients from the early 1990s!!

Welcome to Adventure! Do you want instructions?


Today, I walked through the abc above and happy with its being nice and simple…
breadcrumbs from my walking this labyrinth then left below, all fairly minor issues.

Auth not installed:
could do with being more graceful

$ ./safe auth stop
Creating '/home/safe/.safe/authd/logs' folder
Stopping SAFE Authenticator daemon (safe-authd)...
[2020-03-07T18:56:27Z ERROR safe_authd] safe-authd error: [Error] GeneralError - Failed to open safe-authd daemon PID file ('/home/safe/.safe/authd/logs/') to stop daemon: No such file or directory (os error 2)
[2020-03-07T18:56:27Z ERROR safe] safe-cli error: [Error] AuthdError - Failed when invoking safe-authd executable from '/home/safe/.safe/authd/safe-authd':

Timeout error from AWS:
this occurred but then worked shortly after.

$ ./safe vault install
[2020-03-07T19:00:27Z ERROR safe] safe-cli error: Failed to find a release available to install: ReqwestError: error sending request for url ( operation timed out

Tidy of /tmp files from safe install
needed for where multiple attempts across different users

  • /tmp/

  • /tmp/

    $ ./safe vault install
    Latest release found: safe_vault v0.21.0
    [2020-03-07T19:01:12Z ERROR safe] safe-cli error: Error creating temp file (‘/tmp/’) for downloading the release: Permission denied (os error 13)

Odd case of auth not perhaps starting…
though not obviously different from the later instance that was ok:

$ ./safe auth start
Starting SAFE Authenticator daemon (safe-authd)...
$ ./safe auth create-acc --test-coins
Creating a SafeKey with test-coins...
Sending account creation request to authd...
[2020-03-07T19:08:17Z ERROR safe] safe-cli error: [Error] AuthdClientError - Failed to establish connection with authd: [Error] ClientError - Failed to establish connection with remote QUIC endpoint: the cryptographic handshake failed: invalid certificate: UnknownIssuer

directly afterwards ok with

safe@water:~/SAFE$ ./safe auth start
Starting SAFE Authenticator daemon (safe-authd)...
safe@water:~/SAFE$ ./safe auth create-acc --test-coins
Creating a SafeKey with test-coins...
Sending account creation request to authd...
Account was created successfully!

FilesContainer created at: "safe://
Is it a bit odd that the url is stating the xorurl?.. perhaps this is useful for beta testing. I wonder encouraging a PublicName asap or defaulting to the username (y/n), might be better.

With a xorurl, will it cause a confusion, that a user deletes the file in their FilesContainer and yet the file persists on the network because someone else has that and the count was not 1 to remove it entirely?

Could do with pass wildcard characters
displayed on input to ./safe auth

Which account am I logged into?

$ ./safe auth status
Sending request to authd to obtain a status report...
| SAFE Authenticator status                |       |
| Authenticator daemon version             | 0.0.5 |
| Logged in to a SAFE account?             | Yes   |
| Number of pending authorisation requests | 0     |
| Number of notifications subscribers      | 0     |

It would be great, if the abc descriptions in future were made as ./safe rather than safe as there’s a lot of copy paste.

and upload of 4.5MB file was seeing the RAM vanish rather quickly; so, safe vault killall has me stop for this evening.

Good game :slight_smile:


Good shout. Done


good news, lets go safecoin.

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Yes that’s very ambitious fro now.
I have been keeping another terminal open with safe vault killall entered . I have had to hit enter on it a few times.

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