SAFE Crossroads Podcast #46, Connection Needs of an Autonomous Network, with Spandan Sharma

Unless we get sabotageers that enter incorrect info on purpose :face_with_raised_eyebrow: wouldn’t be the first time.

Yea, you’re right of course. We can just ignore such results though since they would be fairly obvious I’d think. And the invite system really helps to reduce this problem


Wow great episode @fergish
Wanted to tip, but when txfee are a third of what you can send :roll_eyes:
I can tip soon :yum:

Keep it up sir, love sxr

Super fun to hear @ ustulation whole life story :rofl:



Yes true - next time we should perhaps at-least make are prior request that ppl try to run it without VPNs if possible (though there are symmetrically NAT’ed VPNs that are very unfriendly to holepunch - so should get some stats on those as well, but considering that SAFE encourages ppl to not go via VPN (at-least for some of the reasons ppl do so now), might be better off with a request prior to the tests/alpha. Good inputs though.

I suspect we can do a poll and find out how many used VPNs vs how many didn’t in this test ? Assuming participants of the test report truly we’ll get a ballpark. I can create a poll topic if that’s something ppl are up for (or i’m happy if anyone wants to take the reigns - then i’ll just have the easy task to read the results :stuck_out_tongue: )


When you make the poll allow people to tick more than one box since they could try a number of different methods using different “names” at different times but still one forum account VPN, no VPN, or datacentre or office computer (w/firewall)


And or ask the question in the crust test executable in the same way we are prompted for a name.\

“Are you using a VPN?” enter yes or no:


Poll created here now


We also need to know if mobile networks succeeded or not. There is many routers that use the 4G and soon 5G networks for internet connection. And becoming popular are the WiFi portable hotspots which is a battery/wall powered 4G router with WiFi for devices to connect to it.

People will definitely wish to connect their nodes via mobile network since they can give much higher bandwidth than their ADSL and in AU and Japan have unlimited mobile data plans available (with reasonable fair use clauses)

People could have tried their mobile network and it failing switched over to VPN or fixed line connection. @happybeing being one such example.