Safe auth create --test-coins error on Ipv4 LAN: [Error] AuthdError - [Error] AuthenticatorError - Failed to store Safe on a Map: Data error -> Unexpected error: Cannot send zero-value transfers

Oh wait, whoops. This is the wrong thread.

This is refernence to this issue, where the steps are similar, but where client and server are the same machine.

With client I tried this:


$ safe node killall
$ rm -rf ~/.safe/node/local-test-network/
$ rm -rf ~/.safe/node/baby-fleming-nodes/
$ safe auth restart
Stopping SAFE Authenticator daemon (sn_authd)...
Success, sn_authd (PID: 348595) stopped!
Starting SAFE Authenticator daemon (sn_authd)...
sn_authd started (PID: 349304)
Success, sn_authd restarted!
[folaht@pjehrsohmehj node]$ safe auth create --test-coins
Sending request to authd to create a Safe...
[2020-12-21T10:34:43Z ERROR safe] sn_cli error: [Error] AuthdError - [Error] ClientError - QuicP2P error: Unexpected("No nodes for bootstrapping found")

I’ll try deleting the server node data and then try everything again on the client.


Same error.


[folaht@Rezosur-uq safe]$ safe cat safe://hyryyryhg51kjgarri3bea798qt4oa8sitaqsz7budy83pmx1mqwyzs7j3cnra
Files of FilesContainer (version 0) at "safe://hyryyryhg51kjgarri3bea798qt4oa8sitaqsz7budy83pmx1mqwyzs7j3cnra":
| Name      | Type       | Size | Created              | Modified             | Link                                                               |
| /file.txt | text/plain | 13   | 2020-12-21T10:27:31Z | 2020-12-21T10:27:31Z | safe://hy8oycyxp9kd3cf7iwoje8jddyu9fioo7ksxxs3mgesxowr6mkeb8oxjqsa |
[folaht@Rezosur-uq safe]$ safe node killall
Success, all processes instances of sn_node were stopped!
[folaht@Rezosur-uq safe]$ rm -rf ~/.safe/node/baby-fleming-nodes/
[folaht@Rezosur-uq safe]$ cat ~/.safe/node/
node_connection_info.config  sn_node                      
[folaht@Rezosur-uq safe]$ safe node run-baby-fleming
Creating '/home/folaht/.safe/node/baby-fleming-nodes' folder
Storing nodes' generated data at /home/folaht/.safe/node/baby-fleming-nodes
Launching local Safe network...
Launching with node executable from: /home/folaht/.safe/node/sn_node
Network size: 8 nodes
Launching genesis node (#1)...
Genesis node contact info: [""]
Launching node #2...
Launching node #3...
Launching node #4...
Launching node #5...
Launching node #6...
Launching node #7...
Launching node #8...


[folaht@pjehrsohmehj node]$ safe node killall
[2020-12-21T10:34:18Z ERROR safe] sn_cli error: Failed to stop nodes (sn_node) processes: sn_node: aucun processus trouvé
[folaht@pjehrsohmehj node]$ cat ~/.safe/node/
node_connection_info.config  sn_node       
[folaht@pjehrsohmehj node]$ safe auth restart
Stopping SAFE Authenticator daemon (sn_authd)...
Success, sn_authd (PID: 348595) stopped!
Starting SAFE Authenticator daemon (sn_authd)...
sn_authd started (PID: 349304)
Success, sn_authd restarted!
[folaht@pjehrsohmehj node]$ safe auth create --test-coins
Sending request to authd to create a Safe...
[2020-12-21T10:34:43Z ERROR safe] sn_cli error: [Error] AuthdError - [Error] ClientError - QuicP2P error: Unexpected("No nodes for bootstrapping found")