SAFE as a mountable disk (safe-vfs): First version

I suppose one way this could ‘weaken’ the network, if is to be stated that way, is in regards to the Pay The Developer system. I could imagine a scenario where safe-vfs ends up handling a large percentage of networks PUTs and GETs (maybe just due to the large ecosystem of existing desktop/mobile apps). In that case, there might not be that much network traffic comparatively from apps using SAFE APIs directly, which would mean the Pay the Developer rewards could be pretty concentrated to safe-vfs.

How is an app that is being rewarded for what we want to reward apps for, weakening the system for rewarding apps? Those other apps will also get rewards for their activity, so safe-vfs will be just one more app earning its just rewards.

To see this as weakening is to make a value judgement about the app, or the rewards for the work of the Dev who made it. That problem exists in any reward system, not least walled gardens where the owner (cf Apple app store) creams off a percentage of everything, or where RichCorp squeezes out the small guys by spending big bucks on advertising.

I prefer a model which gets closer to some metric that is harder, hopefully, for those who have money and resources to turn to their advantage.

But this is going off topic, please reply on new topic of you want to continue, although I don’t want to get into the topic of app rewards itself, only whether or safe-vfs is/isn’t creating risks for SAFEnetwork. So if you think safe-vfs really could weaken the network by all means reply on new topic.


How are people actually using all this? There’s no network!


You got it :slight_smile:
Just wait till we get a network…

In your own time, Team Troon(+worldwide) I’d rather have it right and later than fast and fucked

Next time they pull the plug we’re gonna make our own again. Who are we, SAFN - Secure Access For Nobody? :smile:

There were good reasons for NOT making our own a couple of weeks back. Nothing substantial would have been gained other than the warm fuzzy feeling of running our own network.
Which would still have been vulnerable to attack and would have cost time effort and money(not a lot but enough) to set up.
Devs can still move forward with mock routing as we have seen.

A stable resilient network will be here soon enough.


It will make it all the sweeter when alpha 2 is released! :slight_smile:


We can’t know that, only that you or we (whoever that is) might not have used it in any productive way. But you never knwo who else does. But anyways, I just find it hilarious that someone can actually pull the plug on the network :smiley:

At some point in the future, it won’t be possible anymore. Wondering how close we are to this point!

Well if someone needs an actual network rather than mockup, I’m sure the community will be glad to create one if the proper testnet is down atm.

But now that I’m already writing: @anon71598723, great work! It’s one of those great features the safenet will bring us so thank you for starting it! I will try it once the testnet is up. Eventually our whole OS will live on the safenet and we will have to decide which data we want NOT to have in the “cloud” :slight_smile:


The “saving to private/ saves to public/” bug was fixed.

Make sure to download “mount.safevfs” again to have this patched version.


Great work on SAFE-vFS! :wink: Do you have any other cool ideas you’re working on? I know a group that would compensate you for working on them!


Thanks @whiteoutmashups. I’m also working in a searchable wikipedia (it includes all 226k articles of the simple-english version and uses about 1000 puts to store everything - I already have a working proof of concept), and I started developing an alternative mobile browser (I know maidsafe team is also developing one). Also want to start a mining-based search engine and I have some ideas to improve this mountable disk.

But I’m basically doing these things in my spare time, just for fun and to learn more about the network. Usually I wouldn’t deny any financial contribution, but with financial contribution comes responsibilities to finish things, answer questions and things like that. And sometimes I’m so busy in my freelance stuff that I cannot work in my hobby projects for months. And from the perspective of someone donating money for my hobby projects and watching me disappear for months with no contact at all - this can be disastrous for my reputation.

Oh yeah, and I’m a freelancer, which means I can be hired by anyone to work in any crazy (or not) idea, but I’m afraid I can be too expensive for these projects.

So in short: I can work 100% committed as freelancer (but it can be expensive due the nature of some of these projects - research, advanced computation, multi-technology domain, etc), or I can do this as a hobby. In this case I do prefer not receive money for future contributions, only for things I did in the past.


On behalf of @maidsafe I am happy to announce that you’re hired. Office on your left, unlimited cappuccino, and a futon for those late days or just every day for that matter. JK JK. Or am I?


Well OK I see, thx then

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mining-based search engine

@.@ !!!

If anything needs to be decentralized on this earth , it is search engines. I will look into this VERY closely. !


Have you considered working for a project from the community engagement program [CEP] at some point? It’s inactive atm but will be restarted soon, afaik. It would be like bein hired :slight_smile:
Just in case you didn’t know about it.


I can now save to /private but not to /public or /outside. Ruby bug is fixed though :slight_smile:

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Unfortunately it’s not possible to save files on the root of /public. You can only have folders there (which can contain files inside). This makes sense, and correct me if I’m wrong, if you consider that the primary use of /public is to store websites. Each website has its own folder.


Bravo! This is something really will promote SAFE at the first place.

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Oh I see. Yes, if I create a subfolder in public then it works. Good stuff!

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(and so easy! just download → run - no ruby installed - no fuse - no nothing :smiley: Thank you So Much! @anon71598723 it is so amazing!)