SAFE App Launcher - Introduction

I follow your logic for keeping it to authentication - we’re both programmers so it is logical :smile: - but my suggestions are about user experience, and I don’t see this featuring in your analysis.

User wants to do stuff on SAFE.
Start thing to get access and log in.
[Here is the split: a) Launcher/Authenticator, followed by… find and start LifeStuff a g a i n, or b) Immediate access to Core SAFE Features (drive/comms/wallet/etc) ]

Since 99% of the time users want a core function, I think it’s worth considering having those things immediately available within the first screen following authentication. Essentially this turns LifeStuff into the Launcher I think.

There’s no reason not to provide an alternative authenticate-only launcher, for people who prefer to see … what? I’m not clear on what the current Launcher UX is planned to be once authenticated. To launch apps, presumably you at least see Drive anyway? Or not?

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