Roadmap to Release?

We try hard to keep everyone informed and will get better, but fortune telling is still beyond us :slight_smile: No seriously I don’t expect slippage beyond the recent integration as we have a solid system now. This is the choice in IT release every X months and what features are done are released, or release when ready. Companies that give accurate timescales nearly always fail (even Apple maps etc.). So we gave an estimate of Q4 this year, I hope we will achieve that, but if not it should be right after that. We should be well on top of things and totally visible.

The devs are under immense pressure and mostly self pressure to make things happen, we thought we would have hundreds of devs helping, but its still really only the small team in MaidSafe on the core. Thats a shame and will change (it is already), but not fast enough, so the pressure is really on us and it’s my job to balance progress with panic :slight_smile: I try but am a huge optimist so it’s hard. I do try.

Imminent is the best answer really, but the testnets and dev updates should help a lot, the roadmap needs constant work and a person on it all the time, that reduces the speed so that quandary is one we live with. Such a huge project is really the reason we have taken years to get here, so we have some really great insights into what takes time and this helps a lot. Now we have design implementation qa and review teams so can grow quickly, but work smarter as well.

This will just all get better, but more open as opposed to guessing times (everyone in the office would give a different time).