RFC - Decentralised Naming System III - prevent domain transfer (dirvine)

Actually my beef is that we have to use a centralised system in the first place. Lateral thinking surely can provide a usable system that doesn’t require a central authority (DNS) to tell us what the name is. One simplistic idea is one I suggested above and only requires the browser (etc) to check a local directory file (MD) then an APP (can be many variants). This removes the need for racing for the best names and its upto the user what names he calls the various sites.

No need for best names lost to the profiteers.

I suppose I am thinking that we only the transition from clear net DNS needs to be centralised. Once that has been done and all the silly money is off the table, I would just leave it to the market - first come, first serve.

My concern is that on day 1, the top few 1000 or more names will be snatched with the sole purpose of selling them on at a profit. If that profit could be invested back into the network instead, we all get to profit.

Maybe there are more nuances approaches beyond day 1, but for me, this is at the biggest risk of being abused.


This would be great in that it would undermine the ability to use money to dominate through brands.

Unfortunately, things are the way they are for reasons which I think would make it difficult. For example, people are lazy and will gravitate towards not having to do the work of naming. Also, it creates frictions that are unhelpful to people - go to mymnemonic website isn’t going to mean anything to you etc. I’m not saying we can’t do this, but that it needs a deal of thought and experimentation to flesh out an alternative, and that the alternative will have to be at least as good as what we have from a user’s laziness perspective! :slight_smile:

The way I see it is that the APPs would take the place of DNS, so lazy people would simply use the APPS name lists. Also the APPs would have a rep system where the actual ID is given a good/bad confidence and the browsers could default to disallow (or ask) before navigating to a safesite that is not marked as known and OK

Since I am in Australia I would say choose an APP that has an Aussie flavour. But I could say choose multiple APPs to cover a few bases. And the APPs provide a system for me to add to my private directory of names.

Well like current < a href = website.xyz > displayed link name/desc < / a > the browser could pass to the APP the suggested name for an unknown ID which has the safesite “domain” as the display/link name

Thus for unknown IDs or known bad IDs/names the APP (or private dir) can warn the user and require confirmation before proceeding. A bit like when going to a site and the certificate is invalid

It would take some work, but it moves the name sitting to many APPs and with PTD rewards it could even be more profitable to not accept payments for names so more people use your APP rather than one that has a lot of name sitting.

SAFE sites could have a system for registering with the APPs where its a common MD structure that all APPs read and process. Semi automatic and the sites will then have to gain favourable rep to have the APPs put the site into the OK list.

Remember that to mirror the DNS system gives zero protection against fake sites pretending to be a part of a bigger company. EG Google gets Google.safe but a bad actor gets GoogleMaps.safe and fools almost everyone.

Whereas a APP system with rep would mean that the few who decide to go to the bad safesite GoogleMaps.safe will down vote the name and the APP would most likely remove the name/ID from allowable and then the company Google can register GoogleMaps with the APPs and once it gains rep then people go to the good site.

Obviously this requires people to adopt the new concept of taking the power from the centralisation and embrase the decentralisation system of APPs. Possibly community run APPs that return PTD rewards amongst the people who help maintain it.

Obviously this is only a thought experiment that needs work to make it truly decentralised. Is this like the pet name system?


From what I remember, it had 3 components. I had this link pertaining to it saved: