RFC - Decentralised Naming System II - continuous auction (by Seneca)

Obviously you haven’t been paying attention.

It’s not bad, to mess up someone’s marketing campaign and multi-week effort of creating incoming links, all for just $5.
The only thing I gain is not just annoying the new people - I can nicely ask them to register on my site with their SAFE account and PIN, or leave their “usual” data such as name & (Internet) email address so that they can receive news about great deals that we have once a month.

I forgot to note: the client who’s visiting the site for the first time every won’t have any public key that is known.

How many kids and housewives can actually comprehend that message?
Or imagine that site.safe they visited yesterday is not site.safe that they’re visiting today?

Not exactly a pinnacle of user-friendliness.
That is completely unworkable.