RFC 57: Safecoin Revised

This is my attempt at working out the longest/shortest time to issue all coins for RFC-0057.

Longest time will be when the StoreCost is smallest, thus reward is also smallest.

Smallest StoreCost is 0.005 (see this post for calcs/reasons)

New safecoins issued for each put will be 0.005. The total reward is 0.01 which consists of 0.005 existing coins paying for the PUT and 0.005 new coins for the farm reward.

So total reward events possible (ie puts) is 2^32 / 0.005

Using a suitable put rate we can see how long it takes to complete the total reward events.

A ‘low load’ might be simulated with the normal ongoing load. Average phone storage is 64 GB and average lifetime of 2 years; let’s say it gets full after 1 year… this means about 64 GB PUTs per year. (There’s a ‘heavy’ load used later in the shortest time calc).

Assume every put is exactly 1 MB.

This has a put rate of 180 puts/day/user (64*1024/365)

The number of users might be the number of users on this forum, which is about 9000 (from the about page of the forum).

So the total put rate is 1,615,956 puts/day (9000*(64*1024/365))

This gives us 531,569 days (2^32/0.005)/(9000*(64*1024/365)) or 1456 years to fully deplete the rewards.

Shortest time

Largest StoreCost is 0.51 which will result in the biggest reward and fastest rate of coin depletion.

Total puts possible is 2^32 / 0.51

initial load: average 100 GB per user in the first month (from this topic)

Assume 30 days in a month.

This gives a put rate of 3413 puts/day/user (100*1024/30)

Let’s keep 9000 users

So total put rate is 30,720,000 puts/day (9000*(100*1024/30))

And time to fully deplete all rewards is 274 days (2^32/0.51)/(9000*(100*1024/30))


Key parameters are:

Upload rate (maybe puts per user per day, maybe total puts per day, I don’t know the easiest unit here)

StoreCost (maybe derived from % full vaults)

These two parameters allow us to calculate the total time to issue all coins for RFC-0057.

For 9000 users uploading between 64 GB per year and 100 GB per month the time to deplete is between 274 days and 1456 years.

But let’s not forget that after all coins are rewarded farmers still get paid the PUT fees so farming always has some reward so long as PUTs are being done.

Any thoughts?