RFC 57: Safecoin Revised

Agreed. Also after launch all network upgrades will require node operator consent, which going by Bitcoin and Ethereums experience opens the system up to all manner of social attacks, disinformation campaigns, fear mongering. Messing around with the default base unit would be a good issue for social manipulators to attempt to rally node owners around to refuse the change using all manner of deceptive arguments.

I am not understanding why starting with micro is considered simpler, quicker or easier for test-safecoin? Short term programming effort wise it is the same effort to go nano (Longer term nano from day one clearly wins on programming effort). Testing wise you actually want to test the limits - not delay them to roll out on a live network where there is a lot more at stake and you have to deal with “consensus”. If anything you would want to use nano safecoin for testing and maybe downgrade to micro. Also something I used to harp on about back in 2015 when I had more time for these divisibility discussions - What about IoT use cases which are raring to go from day one of launch which require nano safecoin!?