RFC 0061 — Safe Network Token Distribution

Thanks for that Neo, it is important to understand the initial motivation. Was this debated, picked apart and analysed by the community elsewhere?

As I mentioned earlier the alternative also opens up to several new “targeted attack” vectors, equally and possibly even more devastating. Forgive the paraphrasing but you did sum up one facet well:

Once 70% of the supply is distributed across the network “somewhere/everywhere”, the focus of malicious people will be to game the many possible additional targeted attack vectors “automated distribution” method(s) will provide to them in order to get control of as many tokens as possible. It may not even be necessary to take over a section to do so but rather game the distribution algos and even socially engineer the offline governance structures as we have seen before. I would add that there are many types of malicious actors and one that aims to game the automated distribution “at a rate that doesn’t destroy the token “economy” nor attracts attention” is one only motivated by profit. We have seen quite a few cases in this sector where the aim of the malicious actor is to outright disrupt, degrade and destroy regardless of profit. I´ll wager there will be plenty of those types lining up for the Safe Network.

Following the line of thinking:

If sections can´t be trusted with this data, then why can we trust them with any data?

Leading to more questions (some rhetorical): Are there different levels of importance of data? So this particular “token” data is too important for a section, more so than other data we aim to handle and is a special case. What other more important data are we going to have problems with handling in the future? Will we then need methods to increase the security guarantees to handle “really important” data? So for one off the cuff example If one section is not secure enough, then perhaps two, three or more need to coordinate for “really important” data.

From a higher level on where is all this going and leaving aside the sadly too numerous cases of fraud, speculative excess etc that always come with it as sure as human nature. In the real economy and more so in CeFi and come-lately DeFi, there is natural move to a proliferation financial products that help get things done and solve real world problems. We all use them everyday even without being aware of it most of the time. The majority to make society better. SNT is just the first baby step. After and on top of it should come new financial tools and derivatives to solve some of these real world problems in a more efficient way that the Safe Network should hopefully allow. One tiny example discussed here previously would be the ability for individuals/companies to set up gift card issuing DBCs.

Will all this potential future fall in the “important data” category and require foundations, committees and the “automated distribution” scripts they control doling out genesis issuance, to be really secure? The distinction into “just data” and “important data so we can´t” is fundamental.