Replacing everything

It doesn’t have to be SAFE, but SAFE is emblematic and about the most aggressive vision out there. In my mind even if SAFE doesn’t pan out it is still hugely successful just for the vision.

I watched Onlive with great interest because I knew the vision it presented would finally subject the top down centralist to the realization that the internet would destroy their sponsored business models through commoditzation of content and forced amalgamation. It was hilarious watching them respond with the proposed TV Tax Act which would have kept the lowest of the low modal ad sponsored TV alive by taxing the net. Then the Net Flix stumble really because they didn’t get rid of disk aggressively enough, unfortunately. And the hilarious bit where useless labels thought the would get price control back on iTunes. And the demise of sponsored news papers. Over and over again providing 100x revenue reductions to fat useless sponsored businesses, replacing them with something like 100x more efficient and also more transparent businesses while making someone well off for doing it. Hence Citizens United with Clarence Thomas on the ticking time bomb take for it- oh they get touchy over that look what happened to Anthony Wiener. Regardless its all fantastic. The public now know its money puppet media only capable of electing money puppets through paying off money puppet media corporations. And more and more they are demanding direct democracy to bypass the hated puppets in the media and legislatures. And now we finally have “The revolution will be televised” ad campaign from the AT&T merger with Direct TV. Nope, these chumps are going to get stuffed and exposed.

But the net was just decentralization, and could to an extent be recentralized. It wast a fully distributed system and not at the data level. But SAFE in conjunction with soft radio mesh and LiFI and line of sight optical and printable verified hardware phones … can cut the coord on big media/telecom/cable and help immensely with cutting the coord on carbon energy-toxic agro- backwards transport and big toxic water etc.

It is a revolution. Its been thoroughly described in fiction going in particular going back to 2011 with Suarez books Demon and Freedom. His dark net internet replacement is being built while big money goes down with the old net. SAFE is that vision and if David and crew can’t make it work someone’s fork will make it work. And I am also pretty sure that stuff like Open Bazaar won’t matter much because it doesn’t even seem secure on the straight face test.

We are never going to get rid of top down systems ever, not completely, because hiarchies are inherient to attachment and human bonding. Humans don’t bond and form attatchments save it be in hiarchies of one form or another. Think about the implications of this on society and why people form the social structures that they do. I suggest you read up and watch some talks done by Gordon Neufeld and Gabor Mate as they address this very issue. I can send you some links if you like. Point is humans will seek out hiarchical relationships because they NEED attachment just as much as they need air, water and food so we won’t get rid of hiarchies any time soon. What we can do is get rid of coercion, manipulation and abuse. In addition we can give people greater abilities to search out and to choose who they wish to bond and connect with and how they wish to do so.


Computers are hierarchical. Don’t like it, don’t use it!

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I am aware of the integral take on developmental hierarchy through Ken Wilber and I am aware of Gabor Mate’s work as well. I get that but we know that the DACO is addressing the undesireable sort and in a social context most are undesireable outside the immediate family.

If straight line linear, sequential, ridgidly causal, brittle, non parallel, centralized is your preference why the interest in SAFE?

We’re not moving toward or defending the idea that I came out of a special womb and it entitles me to more money and my more money means I get to tell you what to do. That is useless social hierarchy and efforts like SAFE almost invariably seek to short circuit it.

“hierarchies” - but at least you were consistent with your error . .

Why don’t people read what they have just written and correct mistakes?

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I was looking at the US 2008 census stats and noticed that in 2008 only about 34% of revenue was going to payroll down from 75% in 70 and a far cry from the present DOL stat of 51%. Is the DOL stat credible or a lie?

By the same stats it looks like the bottom 50% of the US work force could be replaced by 600k 100 person DACOs and hopefully take back the income stolen from the middle class over the last 40 years with interest.

Even if true AI arrives it may get board so the DACO arrangement could remain. With augmented humam/AI still working on intractable tasks, or humans retired retired out.

Well in Australia the reason for payroll %age dropping from the 70’s is that there has been a major shift in the way government & private business gets labour. In the 70’s most was employee based, and since then has been shifting to contractors labour. There has been a lot of downsizing in employees since the 70’s and a lot of those employees became self employed and no wages, just profits.

EDIT: I realise that the above sounds like most have become self employed, but that not right, it is a shift away from employment to self employed and more so for the higher paid jobs rather than the low paid jobs. Some CEOs are not employed but contracted and not paid a wage. Sneaky way to keep from the shareholders the true wages bill.

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