Reinventing the Wheel

But in terms of changing the world for the better its potentially huge even if it doesn’t attract everyone at once.

Just because corporate fascists have perverted the language with their double talk doesn’t mean the language shouldn’t be used in it’s proper context and original intent. How else can the meaning of words be preserved?

Please define this but I think I know where you’re going with this. Person A owning more wealth than person B is not bullying. Bullying someone is when you usue outright force.

Privilage to do what granted by whom? Money or power does not confer a privilege. One either earns their wealth, is given it by aother or takes it by force. If one is given it then the question arises how their beneficiary receive it? However the act of receiving a gift is still voluntary and cannot be faulted in and of itself. A Right is an attribute one is born with. A privilage is an attribute one is granted by another who has power. So I ask you to what authority are you asscribing this privilege you speak of?

I have nothing against planning or planned economies so long as one can opt in or out of them voluntarily and freely. You wan to go start a commune be my guest I won’t stop you. The problems arise when you try and force others to join your commune at gun point or stay in it when they want to leave. If everyone is free to voluntarily interact, exchange goods and communcate how is that not fair? They all have the same rights and freedoms. But perhaps to be more to the point equal measures of prosparity isn’t fair either. Everyone getting the same amount of pie isn’t fair. Because then you require coercion and you get mediocrity.

Which is why I oppose the state and taxation. Because to mass rob people is a form of bullying.

I agree but it’s still their choice as whether or not to use fossil fuels. Keep in mind there are places that are inaccesable without a car. And then there’s one independence to consider. Public transit requires a shedule of some kind.

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I hope so too!! 20 chars

There really is not point in arguing with Warren. He hates tyranny to the point that he advocates tyranny.

You can spend a year pointing out his hypocrisy, but he keeps on barreling forward with it.

Socialists hate our government, but for some reason they think that if you give the government more power and responsibility the government will suddenly and magically be just and responsible. How? Well they skip that part, and assume that the “revolution” will address it, but revolutions are about power, and don’t solve the problems of power.

Pearls to Swine.


Lets not go off topic with political discussions.

You are at liberty to start a complementary topic exploring the political aspects of this in the “off-topic” category.


Ok, but if I may, @Blindsite2k and @jreighley the issue isn’t equal pie its sufficient pie for all and being free of this core dictum of: you work so we don’t have to- and then blaming those who don’t have for not working or working enough.

@Blindsite2k its not just word that get twisted but the supposed champions get snatched Conservatives can’t claim Edmund Burke as one of their own | Aeon Essays

@neo we’ll take it elsewhere.