Question About Lifestuff Login/out

The username I use on SAFE doesn’t have to be my log in. So I reply on a forum on SAFE using polpolrene but I logged in using something like “allbananasareyellow##” with PIN: 5736. So if you want to bruteforce my account you have to guess my username and PIN both at the same time to get my personal file out of the network. And guess what?? I won’t share my username with anyone. Although people might see me on the network as polpolrene, I logged on using the bananthing. And you (or a bot) doesn’t have a clue if you get it right. So even if I told you that my username was something with bananas and yellow, your bot would just try random combinations, and each time it get’s a dummie when it’s wrong. So next step is to bruteforce my password without knowing if the username and PIN are right.

I wondered before, asked some of the questions. David replied…

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