PUTs a different perspective

Maybe this will give a better idea…

What I’m saying is that every SAFE token should be backed by the PUTs it takes to create them. Imagine if all bitcoin and Ethereum tokens ever created were backed by the fee it costs to create them. This fee would not go to the miners (who would sell it and drop the price of the coin slightly), this creates scarcity and gives a fallback if the token becomes worthless.

Imagine 3,886,999,504 USDT on the SAFE Network, backed by PUTs. What this does is shift the conversation from the USD has become obsolete (so let us decide for you, which currency we’ll shove deep down your throat next) to we already got PUTs so PUT your monetary policy where…

I can’t really remember but coinprism had this feature, that you could destroy your tokens again in exchange for btc’s. If regardless of whatever happens the SAFE Network can guarantee that SAFE tokens are backed by PUTs (computing resources) it’s at least giving some value to people who might see this totally wiped out on other platforms.

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