Public ID's (Discussion)

I believe so, yes. This is how I understand it…

Public Name == dyamanaka
I register this name as long as it’s not already taken, therefore it’s unique.

Public Key == Hash(Hash(public_name) + type_tag))
SAFE DNS translates the (Public Name) ~> (Public Key) which is used to retrieve and decrypt the file.

In order for SAFE DNS to “derive” the Public Key, it needs to know the Public Name.

I’m basing my understand from the quote below, taken from the first RFC - Decentralized Naming System.

To find this information an application will Hash(Hash(public_name) + type_tag)) and retrieve this packet.

This prevents two identities using the same name, is this really the best way to go. This is more like twitter than facebook in approach.

Devs, if this is not exactly how it works, please correct this explanation.

This is a little more complicated. But yes, we can have a pet name or micro dns listing service. It takes the actual (Public Key) and associates whatever name the listing creator/curator wishes.

I say this is complicated because…

  • There could be as many variations as there are listings. Think different versions of the bible.
  • People from different listings won’t have the exact same information. dyamanaka on listing A may not be the same dyamanaka on listing B.
  • Typically, one “most trusted” listing will evolve, and majority use that service to reference information to their peers. Think google search engine. Obviously, this is not autonomous but human driven and controlled. I’m sure there will be many niche listings for different interests (whitelists, blacklists, special interests, etc).

I’m always in favor of a better user experience. I believe listings services will arise because people need to find things. And this will happen naturally anyway. We can keep the core SAFE DNS function as it is and let people customize their experience with their favorite listing service.

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