Project n99 - An Interactive Platform for Creators

The music and other arts are what will drive the SAFE Network. It is content GETs that reward farming. Without the outreach to musicians and artists what will people put that they will GET so much so often… Music!! and Arts of course!!

We’re not talking text here, we’re talking CHUNKS!! This app is being overlooked… Think about it technically for a second, then economically how important it is to SAFE.


I like the idea but feel the idea and sales pitch is far to rough to attract the investment sought.


It quite clear, an application for rating art work such as images and music.


I agree with you, I think the backing you give it definitely helps with the already present credibility of the documents available describing how this project will function but I think some have the simple reservation, and quite unfortunately, that the project isn’t spearhead by a developer. If this was the passion project of a developer people have more faith that the project isn’t being swindled, derailed, or halted if funds run dry. Am I wrong in my assumptions here? Maybe it would be in the projects best interest to get an app builder on board that can get paid but wants to see this through thick or thin. I will still be donating what I can afford to the crowd sale, people support this project with whatever you can no matter how much. I totally agree with dally on this


Yes that’s the idea i like. The concept leaves me with more questions than answers. I find answers to questions vague and generic. Great idea i hope it can come to fruition.


If you see @we_advance’s track record, he’s not going to swindle derail or halt. He’s seeing to it this app gets built.
He does just this: SAFE Network. BTW there is an app builder already onboard, that is thick (:P) (me) would be nice to expand the group and get another dev in here.

Just take a look:


I’m defiantly not implying such I’m saying I hope he doesn’t get swindled. I’ll check provided link

It’ll take you a few weeks to go through it all though… :slight_smile:


Let me understand how it works.

  1. I am an artist, I own art, I digitalize my art and upload it to the SAFEnetwork
  2. I receive a certain number Seed (out of thin air?)
  3. Whenever someone ranks my artwork (which costs SEEDs) I may eventually receive a SEED payment (after a certain threshold)
  4. People can get SEEDs on the market or via Faucents.

What is the common user interest to pay for their evaluation?


do you mean why would someone give a SEED as a ranking?

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For the mass adoption of SAFE its essential to people using SAFE sounds obvious - and yet the blockchain btc crypto in general dont have mass adoption esp here in UK - I have yet to speak to one band artist etc who uses btc //crytpo - in short decentralization tech has of yet isolated the very people the musicians the artists for whom decentralization is almost second nature.

One of the many reasons for flying the flag for SAFE via LIFE IS PEOPLE etc is to inform the musicians // artists etc about SAFE. These bands inform their audiences regarding SAFE / n99 on a almost daily basis via gigs etc real word of mouth. People are key to mass adoption a wave of untapped human potential being unleashed. Its 2k16 and it could be easily contested that [esp in western world] that all popular culture is nothing more than exploiting the pre teen market at the very same point in time where there is untold amounts of creativity that is never seen or heard. At the end of the day who want to live in a world bereft of music and art? not me that.s for certain

Developers always welcome :smile: - one of the inspiring elements of SAFE = no permission needed the ability for anyone with a vision to step by step to build tools apps.The focus reward the musicians / artists no more middle men, [quote=“Nigel, post:105, topic:8806”]
being swindled, derailed, or halted if funds run dry

All events that are could arise in any given endeavour regardless of having a developer as spearhead and in @dallyshalla I have the best technical advise esp in regards to SAFE. My intent is clear and nothing will over come n99 being built.

We have the tools in our hands that just ten years ago would have been a dream the ability to shape a paradigm of our choosing no more middle men.

No more middle men is an epoch moment in human civilization. where the artists and the engineers and the musicians anyone everyone can contribute connect where creativity is unleashed innovation blooms ideas spread. vs a paradigm where those who want to control seek more and more control where art music creativity are seen as no longer required where engineers are constricted into smaller and smaller boxes. if we don.t reward embrace the musicians the artists the creators then who will?

These are the greatest days to be living in step by step the era of the creative is rising.


Some hentai based games specialize in this. Play the game and reveal a hentai pic. I don’t see why it wouldn’t work with any other kind of art. It could also be applied to poetry or spoken word art forms. If the artist is paid for people view their material then it does follow that the gamer could then be paid for gaming. Now THAT will have people flocking to SAFE in droves.


the possibilities are limitless and what a great method to maybe learn a new language

exactly reward the creators afterall creativity comes in many various forms

Thats the plan :wink:



Yep. A “like” is anything I would pay for. In fact I consider this as my service because it helps other users to get a quicker access to what they are looking for. Since uploaders (not creators) are already paid throughout the network I don´t yet see why people would wanna spend seeds on a “work” that they are doing.

Again the question: users apparently receive seeds whenever they upload content. Where are those seeds coming from? Fiat seeds?

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It seems that to you the gamer is as much an artist. When the gamer plays a game, shouldn´t it be the game developer who gets paid? What exactly does the gamer “create”? Also: rewards for app users and file consumption is already considered to be part of the network (Pay-the-Producer aka Pay-the-Uploader). How is rewarding uploaders then an added value to the network?

Sorry I have to ask those questions. To me the whole concept remains pretty vague…


I think the timing for this crowdsale was a bit unfortunate.

BTC bullrun means maid holders are suddenly a lot poorer, not as keen to have more eggs in the safeecosystem and their contributions are also worth less. Money is flowing out of the alt ecosystem with btc fomo, decorum just raised a bunch and many of us did our nut on that one and don’t feel brave enough to punt away again with deflated notional positions.

If N99 were my baby I’d pull this crowdsale, refund the contributors and do it again straight after maidsafe release the mvp. A rocketing maid price and renewed interest in the ecosystem would make a huge difference here imo. I’d also try to find a reputable developer who’d be able to work full time on it etc.

Personally I think you could raise a lot more money like this.

I think many are also waiting to see how it does… if it gets a healthier number then it inspires more investment, if it trails it puts people off, this is why the % bonsues are useful. That encourages and rewards the first and biggest risk-takers who don’t even know if the project will raise 5 figs of investment. I think it’s right to reward the first investors personally - especially with no refund and cut off limit.


I for one will be investing in n99 because it will bring rapid mass adoption to the SAFE Network, which in turn will bring resilience.

I’m old enough to have been involved with the internet in the nineties when penetration was just 5% in the UK. Mass adoption only came when the general public had free access to creative content.

Don’t get me wrong, Google, Youtube and the like started with the same lofty ideals, unfortunately there were not the business models to support this and they have had to resort to selling our details and selling ad space to survive. Imagine if you will how much faster existing services would be without adverts consuming bandwidth.

Creative people have been exploited for too long by agents, publishers and other middle men. How much nicer to be able to reward and provide feedback direct to the people who inspire us all.

Secure Access For EVERYONE!


I realise that some people don’t like the Bitcointalk forums but it is the main site for cryptocurrency discussion and as such I think this project is suffering considerably due to the lack of an official thread there.

The current tally of less than 11 BTC raised just says it all.
There is an unofficial thread here:

  • but that is not the same as an official thread from the team behind it.

It would be a shame for this to be forgotten due to a lack of awareness.


Do you guys have another website?

I started building one to help at and had it up on n99. I stopped working on it when I awoke to a crowd sale that had already started. It is open source and anyone is welcome to add it, and I would be willing to put more time into it if I knew it wasn’t going to just waste more of my time.

I was really excited about the crowd sale, n99 and started building like mad, but apparently I was a day late and bitcoin short :weary: