Project n99 - An Interactive Platform for Creators

Final Update of 2017.
I have taken the month of December to research and assess the Network99 project’s potential options for development, and have concluded (upon recent discoveries as outlined in N99 vitals and S.W.O.T. Analysis available for all original investors in the N99 project’s 2016 crowdsale) my work.

All original 82 Bitcoin addresses will be eligible to receive this analysis, all other investments made outside of BTC will have to help discover their connections, as I do not have those details.

To receive the analysis you must be an original crowdsale investor, and you will need to PM me here with verification that you own and are in control of the address which you used to send funds to the crowdsale investment address. You will also need to provide an email address where you want to receive the analysis packet. This offer ends January 31, 2018, the final date for submittal. These terms must be met for a response:

If you invested in the N99 2016 Crowdsale with BTC:
You can prove that you own and are in control of your investing BTC address AND provide an email to receive the packet in one step, by signing a message in your or Electrum wallets. The message needs to include the email address to which you want the packet sent.
Refer to the following links for help with this first step:

Electrum wallet
- YouTube

Once you have your message signature, visit and enter your address, message and signature. Click verify. If you receive the ‘Verified’ message in green at the bottom, copy the URL of this web page. PM this URL link to me.

If you invested in the N99 2016 Crowdsale with MaidSAFE:
Anyone with MaidSAFE asset investments please contact me in a PM. Your information must match the final N99 MaidSAFE figure upon the close of N99 crowdsale in order for your information to be valid and prompt a search analysis.

Thank you.