Project Decorum - Crowdsale (Ended)

Both @Seneca and @bochaco are working on coin implementations for different reasons. @bochaco is working for MaidSafe and wants to give the community the first wallet App. @Seneca is working on a whole protocol for social interaction including votes/likes and more.

We’ll see quite some amazing things when the transfer of ownership becomes possible with the Mutabel Data. As far as I understand it’s a different design than Appendable/StructuredData. Both the SAFE Browser and Authenticator are coming to age in the repo’s. We actually did a little celebration yesterday because loads of stuff got merged. We’ll see the rise of a lot of apps including Decorum when the APIs are “done” and Mutable Data is in place. At the same time we have to understand that MaidSafe is making strong improvements with routing and crust. Wallets and a social protocol like decorum are very cool but you really want your account to be around if you log on several days later. So we need a strong basis (stable network) for that.