Project Decorum - Crowdsale (Ended)

Management of this web of trust is mostly automated based on how you (and others already in your web of trust) treat the identity in question.

Could you further describe what will be automated and what will be end user controlled? Also if there will be any part of end user’s data controlled by another human?


Poloniex maybe? It’s the largest MaidSafeCoin exchange by far, too…


Good question! The objective is to not require special actions from users, unless they’re ‘advanced’ users and want to micro-manage things. So the web of trust management is done based on regular actions, such as adding someone as a contact, endorsing someone’s content, flagging someone’s post as spam, etc.

No, I don’t see this happening, at least not in Project Decorum’s products.


That would be great, but I think they are a bit picky? We’ll see, I’d love to have it on there!

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Niet geschoten is altijd mis… (Noticed in the disclaimer papers you’re from The Netherlands?)

If you don’t take a shot, you’ll always miss, for the non-Dutch lol.


No you have but yes you can get ;-).


What’s the best way to donate BTC if not from an exchange what do you suggest ?

Omniwallet. In omniwallet you will be able to see the tokens coming back.


Will Clike coins generate dividends based on app use?

No, people can use them to ‘boost’ a topic, reply, article etc. tot the top on say a forum or so. When they do that coin is gone.


When coins die on usage, who get’s the new coin generated by mining? how can someone mine? will the coins be divisible?

Please see this post for some details on alt Coins within safe.


I don’t know if they will become divisible. But miners that are now mining coins to get BTC will be able to mine these coins in quite the same way. That’s why the difficulty is already based on asics that are used to mine BTC. Otherwise they could jump on and creates endless amounts of new coins. The difficulty will grow quite fast as well.

So for example send from bittrex to Omniwallet and then from omniwallet to the crowdsale ??

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Any miners may get new coins. Someone can mine by getting unmined coins first (regular tokens), either by buying them from the SAFE Network directly or on the market if people already pre-bought them from the SAFE Network. Then the miner can run software (doesn’t exist yet, but not hard to make) to find a proof of work for the coin(s) in question. Only then will wallets recognize the token as a Clike token.

It will be possible to extend the protocol to let smaller denominations be mined (with corresponding easier mining difficulty). Breaking up existing “full” denomination tokens in smaller denominations would be possible as well (though this would cost some network PUTs). Whether these features will be enabled/implemented is a matter of demand, which, if Clike tokens are highly valued, will likely be big.

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Yup, that’s the way to go then!

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Could you add Project Decorum to’s radar?

@Seneca Felicitation so far, maybe it might also help to have a talk at the Crypto Show
@fergish help :stuck_out_tongue:


Very excited for Project Decorum, and looking forward to seeing it in action!


The ants are coming!! Project Decorum :triumph:


So a miner creates the SD with the correct address/tag first then mines the SD?