Project Decorum - Crowdsale (Ended)

Hah, you asked while I was writing this update!

As some may have read in my posts on the forums lately, I have been customizing safe_launcher and safe_core. I was impatient to get to work, and figured I could try expanding the API myself. I’m glad to share that that actually turned out pretty well, so I now have my own implementation of a basic StructuredData API!

I’ve started working on a new experimental version of Project Decorum. This time not in native Javascript (like the Proof of Concept), but using React + Redux. This is a new architecture for me (I have a C++ background, not web development), so progress is a bit slower at first, but in the end development should become a lot faster. In that regard it’s a bit like MaidSafe’s switch from C++ to Rust.

Now MaidSafe has a low level API RFC in progress, so there’s a chance they’ll release that before the first version of this experimental is ready for release. If that happens, I should be able to switch to their API in a short time frame. If that doesn’t happen, I’ll release the source + binaries of the customised Launcher and a slightly adjusted Vault. This will allow us to create a community network specifically tailored to test and develop Project Decorum. I’ll also rent a number of droplets from Digital Ocean to host an initial number of stable vaults.

In addition, the vault and launcher code will be adjusted to allow for larger amounts of PUTs, but will at the same time sport a lower file size limit. This way the network will hopefully be stable but at the same time allow users to message, share, endorse, etc. without having to worry about the PUT limit.

When the official test nets get to a state where there’s no real benefit to running our own, we’ll disband it and the droplet vaults will join those networks instead. This should bolster the capacity and stability of those networks, which is beneficial to everyone.

I hope you guys can forgive me the lack of the promised blog post. I’ve been and still am busy coding to get this thing out of the door as soon as possible, which is to me far more important than a blog post. It’s going to have cooler features than you’ll expect!

Edit: Also, after this release I’ll publish all the new code in a public repository and will start taking steps to set up a code contribution reward scheme.