Progressive Web Apps & SAFENetwork

PWA’s I used to call these mobile sites but you know, a fresh remarketing job does the trick.

Apple have really upset people, the two fronts for me mainly…

  1. Faling being on technology, over charging for their phones, and my personal suspicion is they went crying to the Whitehouse to help slay the competition.
  2. Not only to they take a 30% cut of your app revenue, you will find as a business you are having to beg more and more to pass the app store eligibility.

Well, 2 things have happened in my circle.

1). The move to Huwawi even under threat of losing android. The entry level Huwawi phones are so cheap, and so packed full of features, people are willing to put down £120 and risk it. Best case, we have a cheap feature packed phone. Worst case, we go back and use the credit card anyway - but in the meantime we have fab phones.
2) Companies are going to just drop apple apps, and also android. Why bother with all that unfair red tape, stick up a PWApp! I suspect this is why mobile sites have had a rebranding.

I think PWA’s are just prime for the SAFENetwork age. I’m really going to push the SAFENetwork on launch at my company for PWA’s, the only feature that needs a good look at is search. We need good search functionality.


Interesting! I’ve actually only started to read about it from a desktop perspective after using some web frameworks. But, after reading some history behind PWAs it seems you’re right!

I fully agree with you. I think from a web perspective the line between mobile devices and desktops got smaller after tablets became much more popular. Chromebooks, Microsoft tablets, and iOS phone/tablet apps have also helped this trend.

Creating a good PWA can be used on all of these devices. Google/Mozilla et al are making more powerful PWAs possible (e.g. file system access, install prompts, push notifications, offline modes and sensor access). If a SAFE Store is built then it could support these PWAs that can be ‘installed’ as browser apps, on the desktop too.

I was actually looking at Service Worker support in the SAFE Browser this morning, and it seems like it is supported (@joshuef, is this correct?). For it to support PWAs I think it would additionally have to support the web app manifest. If that’s the case, then SAFE is ready/made for PWAs!


Unfortunately not for the time being:


I remember reading that issue! I did not fully check whether an app could register itself.

Anyway, this morning 0.15.0 was released and I checked the Electron version, it has been updated since your issue and I just attempted to run a little test application on it:

Registering and logging upon the install and fetch events seem to work! :partying_face: I haven’t tested the web app from your issue, though I assume that the upgrade to Electron 6 fixed it.