Problem updating sn_node

Getting up to date to try @folaht 's network, I ran into a wee hiccup

willie@gagarin:~/projects/maidsafe$ safe -V
sn_cli 0.48.0
willie@gagarin:~/projects/maidsafe$ safe node update
Starting logging to stdout
Checking target-arch... x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
Checking current version... v0.55.3
Checking latest released version... v0.56.0-0.55.0-0.48.0
New release found! v0.55.3 --> v0.56.0-0.55.0-0.48.0
New release is *NOT* compatible

sn_node release status:
  * Current exe: "/home/willie/.safe/node/sn_node"
  * New exe release: "sn_cli-0.48.0-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.gz"
  * New exe download url: ""

The new release will be downloaded/extracted and the existing binary will be replaced.
[00:00:49] [========================================] 88.78MB/88.78MB (0s) Done
Extracting archive...  ERROR 2022-02-10T23:47:08.596043Z [sn/src/bin/]:
	 ➤ Updating node failed: Update("Could not find the required path in the archive: \"sn_node\"")

Anybody seeing similar?


Download the node binary for your architecture from Release Safe Network v0.56.0/Safe API v0.55.0/Safe CLI v0.48.0 · maidsafe/safe_network · GitHub

and extract to ~/.safe/node/