Preparing a coordinated marketing campaign

Ok lets expand this for you

Internet protocols -

tcp/ip is the basic protocol that defines how to send packets from you to another IP address. This could be a web URL (eg send the text “” to the IP address that their server is at. Also the corresponding page to display is sent back to you using tcp/ip)

(these are sent using tcp/ip to contain the data)

SMTP - simple message transfer ptorocol (email)

NTP - network time protocol

And a ton more

Now SAFE is going to use the tcp/ip & UDP protocols to contain the new SAFE protocols that will do all the data transfers for differing parts of SAFE.

Everything is encrypted.

SAFE is replacing the current functionality of the internet as you know it with new versions that are encrypted and without central servers.

And that is just for starters.

Nothing like other “crypto projects”

To reduce SAFE to be about how much the coin is worth is WAY UNDERSELLING the SAFE network. And will actually keep the coin undervalued. You have to let go of the price marketing in order to see SAFEcoin (MAID) valued at what it should be.


Just imagine you have met someone in the street using a mobile phone. How would you explain it to them

Well I am not trying to sell them coin. So it is much easier (still hard but easier), trying to sell the coin is what makes it so so difficult and will always see the coin seem worth so much less. Simply because this is not a project with the coin as its focus.

On the street I would sell APPs and what the APPs means to people. Like the person has control over their personal data on any SAFE social networking site. Instead of having to accept facebooks methods of owning your data and you cannot limit access in an effective way. People put up with facebook’s silliness because it is basically the only social network that everyone else uses and don’t complain because they want to get on with their lives so put up with having to give away so much personal info.

Basically it depends on the person I am talking to. Some love the idea of having totally encrypted (e)mail that no one can intercept without having to do anything special. Many people I speak to who are not tech people love the idea that their information and messages/email to others are private and confidential without needing to learn anything special or techy. Once people start to realise that they can have privacy they start to like it and after a while realise how empowering it will be. Obviously there are many who “don’t care” but I suspect that a %age of them will change when SAFE can deliver these things without effort on their part.

But to sell the coin you have to get all techy and try to free their thinking from the other crypto projects framework that they try to fit SAFE into.


It is an alternative to blockchains for securely storing data. It will:

  • scale better as sharding is inherent in the design.
  • allow faster data transactions, as only a subset of nodes can do this securely.
  • anonymous, self healing, largely unblockable data routing.
  • use an economic model which encourages participation, which in turn provides network resources.
  • be fully anonymous by design.
  • allow digital signatures to allow public identities to be published and guaranteed.
  • allow digital signatures to guarantee data has not been tampered with and can be associated with anonymous or public identity.
  • be censorship resistant by design.
  • be easy for anyone to setup an account.
  • have simple apps to upload websites and send messages securely out of the box.
  • have a wealth of development features, including key pair data storage, file storage and messaging. These can include complex chaining of data.
  • provide a simple API to allow any app developers to integrate easily.

The list goes on. This project replaces the core of blockchain technology with an alternative and then provides what many alt coins and Bitcoin layers are trying to do out of the box and inherent to the design. This is why it is said to be a potential internet replacement, rather than just some corner of it.


First of all, hi guys, I’m new. Nice to meet you. René

I understand what you’re getting at. I’ve been following Safe for some time now, but even I sometimes still have a hard time really understanding how the network will change my everyday life.

When I try to explain Safe to friends and family, they just don’t seem to feel the need to be all that secure. They see the potential and understand that it would be a step forward, but that’s mainly because of the all the news in the media about the mallware- and DDOS attacks. When you’ve never been ‘hacked’, the need to be Safe is just not there yet.

IMO, you should be able to explain Safe to a 9-year-old. I think one of the best ways to do this is with metaphores.

I always use the road system and cars as a metaphore.

Nowadays, we expect cars and roads to be safe. They’re not. In response to accidents on the road, we continue to make roads and cars safer and safer, and we make laws to make sure people don’t use the road under certain circumstances (drunk, underage, etc). We even hang up traffic camera’s ‘for your safety’, which arguably is an infringement of privacy. But still, despite all these efforts, in the future, accidents will continue to happen, though maybe less often. You’ll never truly be safe (and private) on the road.

What if you know you can get in your car and drive from A to B totally safe and privately. What if you could eliminate every and all possible risks of using the road (with your car). Wouldn’t that be great?

The Safe Network is doing just that for the internet, for free.

(Am I making sense at all? Please correct me if I’m wrong)

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Big fail. This will kill MaidSafe.

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Be selective with which friends and family members you pay heed to imo.

I remember the arguments people gave about the internet ‘not being a big deal’. For every excited fan you’d find two apathetic people who didn’t really see what the fuss was about and liked doing their shopping ‘in store’ so they could see, try on and feel the merchandise before buying. They all said a phone was as quick as anyone needed to be and the fax machine did a fine job of sending text.

People rarely understand how and why new technologies can give them what they want and what it is that will be different. The first reaction to innovation is almost always incredulous. A few years ago anyone who I mentioned self-driving cars to scoffed and joked at my enthusiasm. People said they enjoyed driving and didn’t trust technology or ‘see the need’ :scream: Madness.

For the vast majority of people you just need to show them how and why they will want to use something in order for them to get it. I don’t think security will be the big selling point for Joe Public tbh. I mean, it is at the core of what gives SAFE value; freedom comes from security and privacy.

Most people don’t think they care about security or privacy, some understand that they care about freedom, but everybody likes the practical utility that freedom can provide for them.

Being able to store your most valuable data with complete peace of mind, ease of access and more cheaply is great. Being able to access a streaming service without any content censorship sounds like something I would use a fair bit. Being able to transact securely, privately, at any scale, at no cost, with a store of value backed by real world resources etc, that sounds like something that will interest everyone from individuals to IoT and big corporations, right through to the black and grey markets. And let’s not forget those who have the greatest need for robust security, like governments. This is all before we even talk about financial or social incentives, the monetisation of spare resources, the power of owning and controlling your own data in a digital, social paradigm etc.

I would not worry that most people don’t think they care about security or privacy. At some point they will want things that only they can provide. We all have locks on our doors and curtains over our windows for good reason. Most of the time they aren’t necessary, but occasionally we rely on them so we use them every day.


I have found a couple of possibly interesting things when chatting to folks over the years.

We do know some folk who don’t care (know) about security/privacy etc.

This changes when you ask about their children’s security or privacy.

If you alter the message from security etc. to one of control, then is seems to drive home a bit more. I say stress is caused by taking control away from people, making them feel helpless. So giving back that control to people to be in charge of their own data, comms, destiny seems to be a strong message, if we can frame it.

So it seems the removing the chains does work, it’s a lot like the 1984 apple advert in many ways. That used a great image to convey something, but never really said how apple would do this. We cannot afford such mass campaign, however, the underlying message was good and also felt like us taking back control.

Anyway these are all brainstorming so hope this helps.


Agreed. Most people don’t care about things that are important, your health for example, until you lose them. How many people have been or are going to be victims of identity theft? I have been and let me tell you its a scary experience when someone opens up a bank account in your name in New Zealand (I was living in the US at time). So there’s the stick, and then we have the carrot - farming for SafeCoin. And if people don’t discovery it by themselves, companies/developers are going to build apps and services that allow people to monetize their most valuable asset - their data.

I was worried that because this is such a radically new technology, that something may not work. I’m much less, or rather not at all worried about that now. Attracting users has never been a big worry for me, because of the stick and carrot described above. I’ve never been more confident in this project.


We need different marketing messages for different goals and groups. For ordinary folk, yes Rob is right you need applications they can understand and use right now. Security and privacy is a niche, but an important early adopter group, and a way into the larger but slower moving organisations who are aware of the problems in infosec and looking for solutions at scale. Farmers and cryptocurrency users and innovators are also early adopter groups, but also relatively small so less important unless they lead us somewhere that builds into a broader strategy. Each of these groups and more need to be considered, but the marketing for each is likely to be very different.

For developers, there are many benefits and since they are key to demonstrating the features and potential to all groups, I think this is a good place to focus because maidsafe have broken the back of getting the API and test networks to the point where developers can get serious learning and practical work done. So I suggest this would be a good priority focus right now - and to not let ourselves be distracted by those cryptocurrency folk who don’t want to spend time learning about or contributing to a complex project, but either want to manipulate the market by pointing to the lack of a pointless whitepaper, or to be spoon fed information they can use to make short term investment decisions that are frankly of little benefit to the project IMO.

So far I’m not seeing much focus on defining the goals of scope of this marketing initiative, and that I think means it is not looking like being productive. There’s nothing wrong with putting together a comprehensive description of the project, but I don’t know if we have figured out who it is for and why, and whether their are other things that would be more worthwhile as I’ve suggested just now.

We seem over sensitive to criticism about not having a whitepaper, when actually we do (though old, incomplete, and parts out of date), when whitepapers are not really relevant to this project any more. IMO we are well beyond that. They are for investment offers and early stage projects, whereas we now have a large body of documentation and working code.

Our marketing campaign could instead begin by looking at where the project is now and who we want to educate about it and for what reasons, and how this will benefit the project.


I think we have to bear in mind that safe net does not need to replace all the current internet over night. It doesn’t ever need to replace it, really.

Using safe net can be as piece meal as developers and consumers like. Saving app content to safe net will be an API call away for anyone with an account. Whether this is just saving config files (shared between devices maybe) or the app being written around a distributed data store.

Sure, some people will take an all or nothing security based approach, but a convenient, open, secure, data store. Safe net is a secure data storage and communication platform, with a devleopment framework built to enable simple access to it.

Sure, apps will ultimately dictate whether this platform is useful or not, but they are the topping, the simple/known bit. PaaS is big business and every application has some sort of platform, even if consumers have no clue about it… It is still there.

Saying safe net will replace the internet is too nebulous, IMO. Architects understand platforms, devs understand frameworks and consumers understand apps. Explanation of each need a to be detailed and precise for each of these audiences. Each audience will then understand the bit that means something to them.


This is good. Come up with 6 examples of how people will be impacted positively and start fertlising the public mind. I say 6 but the more the better

No no no… This would be a disaster. Its one message targetting all groups. The message would include the core of what safe is. Anyone can drill down and find value in safe, it’s not always on the “front page, above the fold.”

Too many messages make it confusing. The group seeking one component sees marketing targetting a different group and says “not for me”

This has been the problem all along.

The is no unified message, no consistency in the message .

Houston, MaidSafe has a problem. Nobody has a clue what they do, what they make, or why the even exist. MaidSafe, to most people, has been a make-work-project for a bunch of guys in Troon. We know different.

MaidSafe has only one choice. Find an effective and efficient way to make there relevancy known or fail.

Heres a lesson. 2 dudes tell a compelling buulshiit story , with an relatively expensive video and raise 7million buck. No tech, no devs, just a simple story with savvy bs.

Now… tell me you need different marketing for different groups.

Edit spelling


I just don’t get why they don’t get it. I know it’s the precious tech

I had to look it up on Youtube. Nice.

1984 Apple commercial

True. You don’t need to tell people everything from the get-go. Most people don’t even know what they need or want when it comes to security or privacy (etc.), as stated before. Keep it simple, create a sense of urgency, relate to people and their everyday life, and when you have their attention, explain if needed.

IMO a good marketing campaign starts with the masses. When the average Joe somewhat understands what you’re trying to do (and wants it), then the rest (devs, companies, etc) will follow.

Start with the demand, supply will follow.

“Sell me this pen”

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Combination of this:
Too close for too long;
Too many moving parts;
Too much ideology;
Too many diversions over the years;

David could benefit from walking away for 6 months and coming back a looking at his project. It would look very different to him - if nothing changed.

Long time MaidSafe supporters don’t see what newcomers see. That is a problem.

Using David’s analogy to kids. You don’t see them grow when you are with them every day. Go away for 6 months and you go wow!!!

No, I think David gets it. See his post above.

Sorry, that was dewild

Yep, I don’t need to know how a Tesla car works. It just does and it saves the climate. I don’t need to know how a Dyson vacuum cleaner works. They are simply fabulous (supposedly). And when that marketing genius connected diamonds with love - bingo. A global market for arguably a useless product except the industrial grade.

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Sell it to the owners of the apps on the person’s phone. The individual will follow.

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