Pre-Dev-Update Thread! Yay! :D

yes but it seems like work on parsec is on full steam… thats why Im asking.

The update said “this week”, and that was last week.

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Different team members had different time for holidays. As of today, we’re all back except Adam who will be on and off until the end of the month. We don’t generally go into details about everyone’s exact holiday time. This is a public forum, so you may understand why. The only reason we mentioned it last week was because we happened to have a lot of overlapping holidays, so that would have a significant impact on our velocity :wink:



Things that make you go hmmm…


what does this say?. Im not an IT guy so I dunno…

soak tests are normally internal running of the software to see if any bugs pop up. sometimes its done before releases but i think this is just one of a few before we see alpha 3.

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so its like the first step to start testnets for Alpha3? Sounds good :slight_smile:

Yep. It usually means that it’s ready enough to test the whole system and see how it reacts to realistic workloads. See if there are systemic bugs or scale related bugs that don’t show up in individual module testing. Sounds very hopeful, but there could be a fair phase of this.


Is it going to be a valentine’s special update.


Is there a chance to see a testnet today? What do you guys think? :thinking:
Or is there to much that has to be done to launch a public testnet?

still alot of commits to be done according to github, sad but the pace is not the fastest

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hhehe calm down boy…

Mid March is my guess. But what do I know?

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Given the Eureka moment with PARSEC several months ago, and there having been more, lesser such moments while fitting it in the resr of the code, especially with the latest couple updates talking about making PARSEC truly asynchronous and various other realizations during the realizations… I’d say… Start of Summer, just to be SAFE. I could be wrong, though… (in either direction!). For public test nets. … All I can do is encourage the devs that getting to that starting point of public test nets means the sooner THAT phase of development can eventually finish closer to 2020 and then make a badass working version of the network running by the start of Summer in 2020. Don’t mind me, just my pipe dream to make 2020 the most exciting, yet insane, year ever conceived.


Finger crossed for a huge news :grin::grinning: The last ones were pretty boring if I can say that…


Yes not everyones concept of pace vs context is the same is it.

I consider pace to be variable as to the required work to be done. The runner has fast pace since its mainly air resistance. The race car has fast pace too. So does the jet fighter. But But But the actual numeric pace is different and the runner & Car is pathetic compared to the Jet.

So to me the pace Maidsafe is doing is fast enough. Just your concept of pace is measured differently.

Their numeric pace compared to the programming of the internet protocols etc is fast and yet they have more code to develop


@betterthantrav You Begger, now I wasted 18 minutes reading many of those. Good aren’t they.

Now look at this one Look first before looking at my spoiler below.

Now be honest - How many of you counted the characters in the statement she said? :rofl: — Now how many characters did you get without counting again :sunglasses:


With the task mentioned (in the last update) as the last needed performance improvement ,Compute consensus of multiple payloads at the same time, which is now merged - are we getting the first testnets in the next few days? Lets hope so…

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