Pre-Dev-Update Thread! Yay! :D

We found an issue in linux musl builds, being addressed right now. Let’s see what today brings though :wink:


@Southside thanks to trying it out already! as said, we are looking into an issue in the build which when resolved will give us the binary that will make things much easier to install and run. Looking at your comments the only thing I can think of is make sure you have the latest commit from vault fleming branch and build it with --release as David suggested, otherwise just bear with us for a proper release hopefully very soon.


I seem to be getting places now building vault with the --release flag - fingers crossed
CPU use waaay down and just about to fire up the browser to look at the first site I have on my baby-fleming :slight_smile:

It will feature a guy paddling with pies


How do you feel about Glances, @Southside and @happybeing? Can it replace the other monitors?

OK How do I convince ./safe-browser-v0.16.0-alpha.24-linux-x64.AppImage to connect to my-network?

status: feeling stupid

Looks fancy @Sascha, personally I won’t touch links and it looks a bit complex to install otherwise but cool. Let us know if you try it out.

You’ll (I think) not be able to as the safe libs there aren’t capable of communicating with the Fleming authd as things stand I’m afraid @Southside (Happy to be told I’m wrong here though!)

As things progress we probably need to improve this to get some better/ more persistent comms between these different network parts to make this less brittle. Hopefully we can focus there some once the baby pops!


On linux mint:
sudo apt-get install glances
Not very complex… I think it’s in the repositories.


Shame they didn’t make that more prominent. It is installing on Ubuntu now, thanks.



OK I’ll continue having fun on the command-line.

As @dirvine said - be ready for things not to work or break suddenly.
All part of the fun.
A bit much to expect baby-fleming to start walking immediately.


We need to release new versions of the Browser and SNAPP @Southside, since they need the new version of the client libraries to be able to connect.


Is the change to baby fleming / fleming routing going to cause any backwards compatibility issues with data currently stored on the shared network? Will the shared network continue to function?


I think it should be OK but the transfer route would probably have to be shared-network ==> yourPC ==> baby-fleming
The shared network WILL get binned sooner or later but not immediately unless the costs become prohibitive.

Thats my guess anyway.

I think shared vault would be shut down and data wiped out, I’d vote for this so we get absolutely everyone using latest version of apps and vault. This won’t happen before we get a shared network though. Let’s see what other folks (like @StephenC ) think about all this though.


I wouldn’t stand in the way of wiping the shared network and starting from scratch, it’ll actually give me a chance to bug test a few parts of Phantom anyway. (theoretically, the posts stored in localstorage should be re-deployable with a single button press, but I’m sure there’ll be a bug in there somewhere)


Is there a way to disable debug mode or force release mode at all times? I see many people trip over this (myself included) and end up ask questions that are fixed with a simple response of ‘are you using release’. May as well just disable debug / enforce release mode.

I couldn’t work out how to do it but it seems like [profile.*] options in Cargo.toml is a good starting place to get it happening - The Manifest Format - The Cargo Book


Potentially we could force this for vault builds. Let’s check it out. Our own @StephenC will be the man to force us on the right channel here. (in house we do debug builds for obvious reasons, but probably useless for full vault)


Not sure if this is a even a valid concern but has the memory usage issue been fixed to the point that we can run a vault on Pi and if so could we please have an release :hugs:


atm PARSEC still has a large memory requirement. We are still working on that so unlikely a Pii will do the job, just yet. A lot of work in the background on that one. Unfortunately this was not considered as much as it should have been previously, but the team now are picking it up nicely.

  • Node Ageing
  • Farming
  • Vaults From Home
  • Spam Handling
  • Identity Management
  • Upgrades
  • Secure Enclaves
  • Network Growth
  • Network Restarts
  • RDF Support
  • Obfuscating stored data
  • Common Coin
  • unknown that will appear for sure
    With all the above not completed, most not yet started, how to be confident that we will see the network live any day. I mean isnt it like years to complete looking at the previous completed task which were indeed time consuming