Pre-Dev-Update Thread! Yay! :D

Means we also work weekends :wink:


But are they compatible with the third part of the triptych, I mean latest release of safe-browser (v0.16.0-alpha.3)? I ask the question to @maidsafe because I don’t succeed in connecting it to the vault.

The vault is running on Ubuntu and has generated this config file: ~/.config/safe_vault/vault_connection_info.config.

The browser is running on Windows 10 and I copied the vault config file to C:\Users\...\AppData\Roaming\MaidSafe\safe_vault\config\vault_connection_info.config.

This is the procedure I always followed in the past. But now I get this error “The SAFE Browser was not able to connected the network.”. Is this procedure still valid?

Edit : I didn’t pay attention there is a GHA branch in safe_browser and I guess this is the one that is compatible with latest safe_vault. But unfortunately it has no binary release and I am not able to build one. So I’ll have to wait a little more to have a complete system.

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It’s worth mentioning that I’ve struggled with getting my vault in Ubuntu to connect to my browser in Windows 10. I’m going to assume that, like me, you’re using Windows-Subsystem-For-Linux?

If so, I managed to get it working by installing the vault binary in Windows using Powershell (with administrator rights - required to restart the auth demon). It’s janky as all heck and I’d rather just use it through Ubuntu\Bash, but it works.


No, I am not.

I compiled safe_vault and safe-api from source in a VPS with Ubuntu, but I installed SAFE browser binary msi on a local PC.

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I am so curious what we will get tomorrow :star_struck: Maybe first testnet? testnet of testnet? :joy:


HI Cheesy, hi pal.

MaidSafe · GitHub seems to have been busy today. I’m taking this as a Good Thing.
There is obviously a lot of hard work going on. We may not get what we all want tomorrow - or maybe we will - but we are certainly a lot further down the road to Fleming.


We still far away to get all we want, It’s like never ending horror nightmare

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Just off to search for a blade for my wrists, then.
Sorry, I didn’t realise it was just so awful and how deep we were in the Slough of Despond*.

Thotts n prayers

*Actually a tourist attraction near @happybeing’s mooring


At the risk of beginning a flame war, @frabrunelle can we do something about @Lackys continuous stream of negativity in these threads? I’m not normally one to call out community members on their behaviour but this is starting to become ridiculous - it casts a dark shade over these threads at the start of every week.

If you aren’t happy with the development progress, that’s fine and you should feel free to give that feedback, but if we’re at a point where every dev update thread has the spectre of needless complaints it can be really demotivating - not only for the community but for the Maidsafe team too. We’re reaching a point where we are going past the point of humouring it for the sake of dignity and in to the realms of the aggravating behaviour being simply unwelcome.


I don’t know if it’s really worth it @Shane. There are 2-3 or so people among, what, 50-100? That are constantly negative. This is the internet it’s really nothing. It’s obvious to everyone who these are and that they are constantly negative, so it’s not really a problem IMO. Bitter people who always see the glass as half full, you can always count on a small number of those anywhere.

The worst things I have seen has always been when we pay any attention to them, lose our temper, feed them or get paranoid about their motives. That blows it all out of proportion and just damages us, it’s never been looking pretty…

Now, there’s always some limit, when people get too active, a bit to keen on causing damage, at which point I see it as perfectly fine to send them out. These guys doesn’t really do much else than show that they’re bitter and negative, which is mostly a problem for them, but it doesn’t strike me as especially threatening to us.

That’s my view anyway.


Just rip the pish occasionally :slight_smile:

But don’t let them get you angry. Far better to ridicule the sad little losers…

Is there no way to block the whiners, and trolls, so that you don’t have to come across their noise?

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Yes, there is an ignore function but I’ve forgotten how to access/use it…
which is daft cos I wrote a post on it a while back.


From your user preferences
click on your avatar – top right
then your name --top left
then scroll to preferences

then chose Users and add to Ignore .

You cant ignore anyone permanently, which is not a bad idea IMHO cos folk can change.


I agree, once they get a reaction they keep going. Ignore them and they will lose interest




You all want new internet, but you act like old internet, you can’t change inside, you want to control everything, ban or mute everyone who have other oppinion, I thought there are other vision about this project, but maybe I’m wrong?

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A forum I used to frequent used to put persistent trolls on a troll list. This was then used to label the user and their avatar was changed to a troll picture.

This didn’t stop trolling, but it made people aware that the user had history of it. This sort of reputation system (which can be distributed) is probably the best way to deal with it, imo. Just banning people reeks of censorship and will just lead to new accounts being created to continue their diatribe.


Most here call few of forum members trolls, but for me the right description would be impatient not troll, they are here because they believe in the idea but are frustrated it takes so long to progress with the project. Most here are not impatient but few are and that is what bothers the not impatient.

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See you reacted to him and now he will keep going.

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