[Poll]: full OMNI to ERC20 swap

Some notes future reference…

Fusion’s Distributed Control Rights Management (DCRM) was built to address cross-chain interoperability through a decentralized custodian model. It uses the latest cryptography technologies in Threshold Signature Scheme (TSS) for Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) to provide a distributed key generation and transaction signing algorithm. This technology was developed for over a year, with the feedback of 4 leading cryptographers such as Rosario Gennaro and Dr. Pascal Paillier.
Why do I care?
With a distributed key generation and signing algorithm, private keys are no longer a single point of failure . Access to wallets or any data that needs protection is now distributed among N number of parties or devices.

DCRM - Fusion.org

With DCRM, your Private Key is ‘sharded’, or split up with each piece being managed by a different node on the network. To make an exchange of value, a transaction must be signed by each of these nodes, but the important part is that the PRIVATE KEY IS NEVER ASSEMBLED and so the transaction cannot happen without all of these nodes colluding. This is the safest non-custodial way of sending assets.


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