Pillar project atop the SafeNetwork?

I’ve been following the Pillar project for a while and put some Eth into their ICO. I think they have a huge amount of overlap with SafeNet and have had an email back and forth with their founder David Siegel about this and he expressed interest in learning more. I also let @dirvine know about the Pillar project.

Their website is: http://pillarproject.io

Project summary: Pillar

White paper: Pillar

They’ve raised, I think, around US$20MM - so if they were to decide to build atop SafeNet that would be really incredible synergy.

If you haven’t heard of Pillar yet, please take a look and if possible let them know more about SafeNet!

They can be contacted here: info@pillarproject.io



Hi I attended an introductory event this evening from the Pillar Project. Very interesting! They seem like a genuinely happy crew, dedicated to ensuring that individuals are responsible for their own data in order to bypass the negative impact of entirely undemocratic data extraction… I was pleased to note that Maidsafe is well known of - so your efforts to inform them have been very effective :smile:
I’ve just got a copy of David Siegel’s book ‘Pull; The power of the semantic web to transform your business’ as recommended by someone I met at the seminar. I look forward to saying more when I’ve read it.


I look forward to hearing your thoughts! I’ve not read the book but may do so when I have more time.

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The crew are a happy bunch - they have a charismatic leader and seem content to volunteer for a startup corporation which is very much presented to them as a movement
Whilst waiting for a response for help to set a secure donations wallet up
I asked for help from the community here - and thank you all for your good advice - discovered that there is a reasonably simple way to create an open source multisginature secure donations wallet for an organisation depending on volunteers and donations.
I will say that I have now had direct contact from pillar with an offer of interest in helping create a wallet which is nice but with concerns about AML legislation in terms of publicity. Obviously there are no issues for AML for a humanitarian mission relying on volunteers and donations - its a peaceful organisation. I am aware of new legislation under construction, but it seems more geared towards making cryptocurrency look creepy to the mainstream so that bad actors can sweep into action while potential investors are AFK.
Still it is good to have offers of support so I will pass the message on.
Any help to raise awareness of the crisis is always appreciated by all.Thank you

Hmm, I don’t have a firm impression of what’s going on over there at Pillar - I’m on their mailing list too and my impression is that it’s a standard project mailing list - the contests are attention getting and working to engage Pillar enthusiasts with the project, so IMO, not a bad thing, just a management tactic. As for their capital, I guess that $20MM isn’t a lot of dough these days and maybe they are saving it for marketing down the track when they’re ready to launch product. So, I am giving them the benefit of the doubt for now. Thanks for your feedback though and I’m very curious to hear what you think of the book.


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:sunglasses: ok not trying to take the plinth just find out whats destined for it.
I know that me bothering to do that is nowhere near as relevant and urgent as what the RCK do day in and day out as an entirely volunteer led and donation only humanitarian response to a humanitarian crisis happening right now.

http://refugeecommunitykitchen.com/ Any help of any kind always genuinely appreciated.
Thank you

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