Omni Core v0.10.0 release

Change log

The following list includes relevant pull requests merged into this release:

- #1186 Bitcoin 0.20.1
- #1191 [tests] check free DEx behaviour against DEx spec
- #1193 Omni overview updates
- #1194 Add Free DEx and fee cache tests
- #1197 Integrate Bitcoin Core 0.20 patches
- #1198 Additional changes missing from 0.20 merge
- #1199 Qt disable wallet change in main window
- #1200 Update version to 0.9.99 to indicate development
- #1201 Reduce amount selected for use in transactions
- #1210 cli tool: add Content-Type application/json
- #1213 If watermark not in block index load from state files
- #1214 Bump version and tests to 0.10
- #1215 Add release notes for Omni Core 0.10
- #1219 Trim Gitian build targets