[Offline] Fleming Testnet v6.2 Release - Node Support

Yes, yes! Use us as part of the dev-team, multiple times per week! (Well, others, and maybe/probably me somewhat later.)


Have we a version of the node that does not rely on the latest instruction set. My old laptop I was using for testing got accepted as a node overnight and just stopped. And this morning I connect immediately but it crashes each time. I put it to the instruction failing.

Yes, us weekend, Amateur computer scientist will help you to break stuff. I like hammer, I hate computer, I like break stuff. Break stuff good. Break stuff fun. Make me happy! :banana:


Posting here cos although this is on a local baby-fleming, I am using the latest sn_node 0.5.3

I am seeing a lot of errors in vdash and on looking at the logs more closely I see this pattern being repeated

[tokio-runtime-worker] DEBUG 2021-07-01T20:27:00.929527959+00:00 [src/routing/core/connectivity.rs:33] Possible connection loss detected with addr: 
[tokio-runtime-worker] DEBUG 2021-07-01T20:27:00.929705390+00:00 [src/routing/core/connectivity.rs:33] Possible connection loss detected with addr: 
[tokio-runtime-worker] DEBUG 2021-07-01T20:27:00.938383366+00:00 [src/routing/routing_api/mod.rs:554] First message from client, creating a socket id

Anything we should worry about?

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This is me in the background failing to connect and not having time to properly troubleshoot or get into it each time. When I finally get some chunkz one of these days I’m going to be like that fellow in the photo when he gets a bunch of bananas (is it acceptable to imply that chimpanzees like bananas these days or am I stereotyping? Hmm)




I can’t keep up…
Lets see if that clears it.

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This messages look like debug info rather than errors.

I know but they seem to create red bars on the bottom of vdash - the REAL vdash - accept no shonky imitations

I think only ERROR log entries will show up as errors in vdash.

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Well thats what you would think, of course, but I was seeing a LOT of red. I need to grep the logs more carefully.
I need to double check but I think I was also seeing red error bars when uploading duplicate files.

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I anyone else seeing these messages in logs in baby-fleming?

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@Vort output from a wee script attached https://github.com/safenetwork-community/upload-performance

initial tests show a marked increase in PUT times with each iteration.
Lots more refining of the testscript to do especially on better logging output and accepting test parameters

willie@gagarin:~/projects/maidsafe/T5-scripts/dedup-tester$ ./random-files-upload-test.sh 

This test will upload random data of size S a total of N times with a delay of D between each test run
  What size of file do you want to test with (default 100kb)?   Units in kb 500

How many times should we repeat this test?    10
This test will be repeated 10 times.

How many seconds should we wait between test runs?     10
This test will be repeated after a delay of 10 seconds.
========  SAFE Network testnet PUT files test  =====================================================

          output files will be written to  /home/willie/tmp/testnet-file-uploads-20210702_1141

          sn_cli 0.31.1
          safe_network 0.6.1

Before starting tests, check there is sufficient balance in the account to be used

This account has a balance of 9999.963276109

500+0 records in
500+0 records out
512000 bytes (512 kB, 500 KiB) copied, 0.00329451 s, 155 MB/s
FilesContainer created at: "safe://hyryyrbcp6e49bf5bakrmmr1tte5ktm7jbdftnqtbzxywano557kzfehmwcnra"
+  /home/willie/tmp/testnet-file-uploads-20210702_1141/500.dat  safe://hyfeynykn5h35oucrdinsb54m6apter4fh8h954yq4h5fikueaih4nhatzy 

real	0m35.474s
user	0m2.568s
sys	0m0.101s
sleeping for 10 seconds
500+0 records in
500+0 records out
512000 bytes (512 kB, 500 KiB) copied, 0.00595098 s, 86.0 MB/s
FilesContainer created at: "safe://hyryyrbx79ztua8ag15wjr8a13smgsos6q5jiajos7bmut4f93gdy3nefqcnra"
+  /home/willie/tmp/testnet-file-uploads-20210702_1141/500.dat  safe://hyfeynypy6sq3hnditf5gdui57n5by5ym5whtee1tfde4rjq9aqx1m4cf1c 

real	0m38.172s
user	0m2.709s
sys	0m0.082s
sleeping for 10 seconds
500+0 records in
500+0 records out
512000 bytes (512 kB, 500 KiB) copied, 0.00492462 s, 104 MB/s
FilesContainer created at: "safe://hyryyrbjwgwqz65r1ewgaspkqrjjxp81smcd7hr71obstya9x6pgw1jyhwwnra"
+  /home/willie/tmp/testnet-file-uploads-20210702_1141/500.dat  safe://hyfeynym8camn4bw1ybyodshz3t1k84pf1deo3fcdhspjoszekuqzkot6re 

real	0m39.586s
user	0m2.848s
sys	0m0.103s
sleeping for 10 seconds
500+0 records in
500+0 records out
512000 bytes (512 kB, 500 KiB) copied, 0.00317674 s, 161 MB/s
FilesContainer created at: "safe://hyryyrbck3ckbrb86iou3t7wopwqkrwiupxip7ju9gsnby7x8a3rps3z6qanra"
+  /home/willie/tmp/testnet-file-uploads-20210702_1141/500.dat  safe://hyfeynye7m35mjho1e7djpwqyf741ozem7hp8g3r5thfp6a6sg4by3g7yqo 

real	0m41.156s
user	0m2.950s
sys	0m0.064s
sleeping for 10 seconds
500+0 records in
500+0 records out
512000 bytes (512 kB, 500 KiB) copied, 0.00595938 s, 85.9 MB/s
FilesContainer created at: "safe://hyryyrbmtfs1j51yuqxob4wq9b8jmb4ks1hj7yfrn836yj4igck9de4fw5ynra"
+  /home/willie/tmp/testnet-file-uploads-20210702_1141/500.dat  safe://hyfeynyqfw9qx5p9tkay766epo7gn8ng6no8h3awkgdtdpr1xggu9tqbjpr 

real	0m43.877s
user	0m3.082s
sys	0m0.066s
sleeping for 10 seconds
500+0 records in
500+0 records out
512000 bytes (512 kB, 500 KiB) copied, 0.00550033 s, 93.1 MB/s
FilesContainer created at: "safe://hyryyrbm8ddkoz1icydaspi43kgf7wmpg4nre4iwtwgf5k93u8u6hqszdcwnra"
+  /home/willie/tmp/testnet-file-uploads-20210702_1141/500.dat  safe://hyfeynyjb3zqdqc35ibq4gze46fat33ydtr4rkbwspwigu7gg8kd86fircy 

real	0m45.035s
user	0m3.177s
sys	0m0.071s
sleeping for 10 seconds
500+0 records in
500+0 records out
512000 bytes (512 kB, 500 KiB) copied, 0.00636639 s, 80.4 MB/s
FilesContainer created at: "safe://hyryyrbcnuzrinjk3g4efqoywxxrfcgp1x3fmikg3qscpqap8wkapkuarbanra"
+  /home/willie/tmp/testnet-file-uploads-20210702_1141/500.dat  safe://hyfeynyqtmcjgwnrci677kkp7xmu4rwyedhp8ag8kq4mud18hg9gs7xruay 

real	0m46.937s
user	0m3.268s
sys	0m0.101s
sleeping for 10 seconds
500+0 records in
500+0 records out
512000 bytes (512 kB, 500 KiB) copied, 0.00670531 s, 76.4 MB/s
FilesContainer created at: "safe://hyryyrbmupcpkaxk9qx9m13ecdcuafz9y98fuh9w5btd4yoqk1x7qgj48dcnra"
+  /home/willie/tmp/testnet-file-uploads-20210702_1141/500.dat  safe://hyfeynyxu1np7wi53e1pq48kngnnkeozmkbi8p9s8ddds3wexep3htwczde 

real	0m48.609s
user	0m3.389s
sys	0m0.100s
sleeping for 10 seconds
500+0 records in
500+0 records out
512000 bytes (512 kB, 500 KiB) copied, 0.00466846 s, 110 MB/s
FilesContainer created at: "safe://hyryyrbj7aa69wfs8peqmzq5ged5fkf9g4zxkbq7d7eni1xtsf1ipiwxyhwnra"
+  /home/willie/tmp/testnet-file-uploads-20210702_1141/500.dat  safe://hyfeynyj8eciratbbx7hc3nru5uaxirx173af6jts9infumyirfpehp5dee 

real	0m50.267s
user	0m3.542s
sys	0m0.071s
sleeping for 10 seconds
500+0 records in
500+0 records out
512000 bytes (512 kB, 500 KiB) copied, 0.00567051 s, 90.3 MB/s
FilesContainer created at: "safe://hyryyrbkit93zpgw1r4j78g6wgb159jbjbhiwwho3jzndcs6zgy46jqf41ynra"
+  /home/willie/tmp/testnet-file-uploads-20210702_1141/500.dat  safe://hyfeynyjuzxpishyaxorwpkascw5kzm39cub9xx39bjrked383q56qrdejy 

real	0m52.189s
user	0m3.686s
sys	0m0.112s
sleeping for 10 seconds
./random-files-upload-test.sh: line 88: ne: command not found
    Test complete for  10  runs of file size  500 kb with delay of  10  seconds between each run

Looks like y = k * x + b:

Log + C# -> Wolfram
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;

            var lines = File.ReadAllLines("log.txt");
            var outList = new List<double>();
            foreach (var l in lines)
                var m = Regex.Match(l, "real\t([0-9]+)m([0-9]+.[0-9]+)s");
                if (m.Success)
                    outList.Add(int.Parse(m.Groups[1].Value) * 60 + double.Parse(m.Groups[2].Value));
                "d={" + string.Join(", ", outList) + "};" + Environment.NewLine + 
                "ListLinePlot[d, PlotRange -> {All, {0, Max[d]}}]");

So real network speed is less than 15 KB / sec.
Please try with different delays. Like 30 sec and 2 sec.

Main question: is it possible to obtain horizontal line on chart?


The script is at GitHub - safenetwork-community/upload-performance: PUT a series of standard size files to exercise the SAFENetwork testnets for all to play with and hopefully improve.

Whats bugging me most right now is the line
time safe files put $DEST_DIR/$INPUT_S.dat |tee -a -i $INPUT_N-data.txt

is only wrriting the safe data to file, not the times.

Any hints on improving this would be very welcome.

FilesContainer created at: "safe://hyryyrbm3s8hzogfi3spwsti3gpzj3d6sgqrjzpwoy457kuzeozn8ja4agrnra"
+  /home/willie/tmp/testnet-file-uploads-20210702_1249/500.dat  safe://hyfeynym5b4c13dk9frae951iyuwsxioz7r39or1ynfwpsq8pckpg89iame 
FilesContainer created at: "safe://hyryyrbkxo4kgh5nu96g5fy8etkyzjxbag13uyq7hkcg5d9qxrfj6gnducanra"
+  /home/willie/tmp/testnet-file-uploads-20210702_1249/500.dat  safe://hyfeynykn8uamguwjwo7r6h4togjmwa6iuujnjd9wyt3wz9oijdyuyqaape 
FilesContainer created at: "safe://hyryyrbkopdg55nb8pet4bf3sycf79ieunsd7zmb6g7mg9trtb1xgcrwadanra"
+  /home/willie/tmp/testnet-file-uploads-20210702_1249/500.dat  safe://hyfeynypwp164juhq5aunw4rjxnr1fenajf1wpbk7ukbzo7q6xa3z7w3ser 
FilesContainer created at: "safe://hyryyrbc5gzdin9zwisc8cq3mok5dtxjctbwkee1z6hob1da561yoj66sxonra"
+  /home/willie/tmp/testnet-file-uploads-20210702_1249/500.dat  safe://hyfeynyx3em7msqd113asqimswejbng9hq67jzdaay4ny3k3j697ty75ubo

For the next few runs I will keep S constant at 500kb and vary the delay D from 1 up to 60 secs.

Try this:
(time safe files put $DEST_DIR/$INPUT_S.dat) |& tee -a -i $INPUT_N-data.txt

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It is better to test short and large delays first.
Then, depending on results, plan new tests.

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60 secs delay run coming up :slight_smile:


Still looks like line:
I was expecting something else.
Either delay should be even shorter, or file larger to get different curve.

Next priority is large delay anyway.


Yes indeed just about to run the longer delay now. Are you happy with 10 runs? Want a larger sample?
Interestingly, very small files seem to take longer…

10240 bytes (10 kB, 10 KiB) copied, 0.000176536 s, 58.0 MB/s
FilesContainer created at: "safe://hyryyrbj8eqw7ah9mhdase9e7ue5w8mr88ozsdmwhnd3s3ybibe54b6jqfwnra"
+  /home/willie/tmp/testnet-file-uploads-20210702_1445/10.dat  safe://hyfeynyegse44zndzhak6nbh57oszufh486d7bx39fudoc31bhu8od7wh5a 

real	0m18.337s
user	0m0.566s
sys	0m0.035s
sleeping for 1 seconds
removed '/home/willie/tmp/testnet-file-uploads-20210702_1445/10.dat'
10+0 records in
10+0 records out
10240 bytes (10 kB, 10 KiB) copied, 0.00444443 s, 2.3 MB/s
FilesContainer created at: "safe://hyryyrbm81jhq8ugz3dtu5xdawmn9h3xxiunyju4cddsr95i8ppongwpp5anra"
+  /home/willie/tmp/testnet-file-uploads-20210702_1445/10.dat  safe://hyfeynyq95jb36iwr7eauw74h1eg568shux6zsbpzx1iq3j3k914gaa4too 

real	0m23.477s
user	0m0.709s
sys	0m0.020s
sleeping for 1 seconds
removed '/home/willie/tmp/testnet-file-uploads-20210702_1445/10.dat'
    Test complete for  2  runs of file size  10 kb with delay of  1  seconds between each run

this was just a quick sanity check after I tweaked the script back to 500kb in a minute