NRS Brainstorming Megathread

That seems more like a labelling system than a resolution system. I can imagine it would be useful for search, etc, but it’s a different purpose imo.

If you had a business card with an NRS URL, it should take the user to that business. If it can’t do that, it isn’t really fulfillig the goal.

Moreover, searching on labels probably needs more flexibility, e.g. should it be or Search makes these things interchangeable, which is probably what you want with labels.


why not a system where only one : is allowed and after that is the count of each use



because we will use version system also a $ or # for the version!



maybe also the user so that we can have by default albums/folders!

so next “media” is:

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Unfortunately # is already well known for internal page links.


then any other easy to type symbol!

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No, it doesn’t.

No, it’s not.

This is exactly the point I’ve been making.

Yes, which is a trivial operation that is performed only once at network genesis.


that way we can have the same userID multiple times and the same linkname (domain) multiple times with edits

maybe for some reason also versions in userids?


This still requires that that person is either using a link or has full knowledge of the site name.

It is difficult for some one to verbally tell another the since the number is now super important. Is your favourite search engine searchy:234 or searchy:243

Then just as bad is the link given to you good or bad. Given xyz:243 a scamming site where the real one is xyz:234 and the person misses the flip of the 2 numbers. Often people can recognise a name if prompted with it, but numbers “:nnn” is easy enough to get wrong for the ordinary person who uses words a lot more than numbers/maths

I know this can happen with current domain names on the Internet due to manipulation of characters, but not sure of the solution to that one.


I propose it like discord got it, you can have any name with a tag number and it works great

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For discord maybe. But actually scamming on discord using the same name still happens to be a problem in some areas. Often discord groups are not open and by invite only so there is some control.

Also on discord I can change my nick as well so its not the same thing.

But for sites its many levels up in the requirement for knowing you definitely have the correct site. So unfortunately in my opinion they are comparing apples and oranges, both fruit but definitely different.

I am not sure of the answer and in my opinion this has enough issues that even just first come first serve will be better in the long run. It would seem that for first come first serve the names will be more like small phrases and maybe even better because they convey the purpose of the site.

and so on

LBRY uses the same way, its the url plus : plus hash and the hash is simplified in one or as many characters as there is need for. so you can have the same name with everyone else but you got a unique after the :

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Have you considered how the uneducated (in computer labelling and speak) being used to the xx.domain.tld will work with that?

Most will ignore the :nnnn if typing in the name. Yes my opinion but after computer contracting and helping clients adopt new systems, this is a major concern in my experience. And is why I react against it.

Like I said the mini-phrases that will come out of first come first serve will be much easier to remember and validate for the 5 billion non-tech savy people out there. Its a fault of tech people to think that ordinary people will see it our way.

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the technology is pointing the direction of the future standards.

first you had to type then then on chrome then

but if we make a decision to put a domain like mycat:1 mycat:2

people will get used to it just like with email username@domain and people still use it all the time


i oppose a system where you have to type a long domain letter by letter instead of people using mycat and then a : and then some hash or count

think about it. nowadays there is google search that you search for and you get results the proxies (well its gonna be removed soon anyways)

why have proxies when all you need to do is create a new then 3 then 4

why cant we all use myvault with some chars next to it?

imagine you want to make public some pic of your cat.

normally it would be www.domain.tld/uploads/photos/mycat.png

with what I suggest you would just type mycat and get a count so mycat:43 and thats it! or even better only mycat:1@myusername:42

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I counter that because so many people think the internet is google because of the search engine.

Those 5 billion people when looking for a site will search for it and the long names is a huge benefit over very short with :nnnn because the :nnnn allows all the scam sites to just use a different number which will be much less noticed than a name change.

The search results for the scammer would have similar descriptions as the legit if they plan to succeed at scamming so the user is at the mercy of a number lottery, which will be the right one.

Yes scamming can work with the short phrases by using similar words but easier to recognise and the search engines can bold the site name to make it more noticeable.

Look I understand that neither is perfect and I am discussing the negatives as I see them. Maybe others feel it will be better in the long run, but I suspect that Jim & the team are already miles down a couple of great paths.

for example this url on LBRY:

you get your domain (ok clearnet domain name)
then you get any username with as many chars of the hash as needed
then you get any name for the video with as many chars of the hash as needed


also another positive in this regard is this:

if your site is more well known you get higher ranked so in a search engine searching the term LetsBeFrank you will get first result the 7 because its a well known channel with over 500 videos

why cant I have a userid as chris plain for my chatting platform, with a hash with as many chars needed next to it for id? why should i register dreamerchris4ever7yolo2day?

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This works great with the application is limited somewhat. Its for a filename. The mistake is only which video (or file) you get, not if you are sent to a scamming site.

I am talking of the site name completely different game there.

Anyhow I have expressed the negatives as I see them and I doubt I am adding to the discussions any more. Hint see how many combinations there are with 3 and 4 word phrases. One maths site has 3 word sentences at over 5,000 Billion possible. For 4 word its higher LOL and allowing digits as part of a “word” increases this.

So your example of dreamerchris4ever7yolo2day would never be necessary with 5 words and 3 digits. Using that as the template there is not available atoms in the earth/galaxy to represent the possible combinations.

Anyhow short word:nnnn will not work well for the human in my opinion and thus provide the scammer with many opportunities.

I’ve taken up too much of your time and while its a neat tech savvy solution, for site names, well my opinions are above.

  • regular unique domain names
    (e.g. ~ ~ ~ ~ etc)
  • hashed reusable names
    (e.g. domain:1 ~ domain:e ~ ~ ~ etc)
  • hashed reusable names with the hashed userid
    (e.g. domain:1@userid:o ~ domain:1:@userid:7 ~ ~ ~ etc)

0 voters

  • regular unique userids
    (e.g. dreamerchris ~ christitustech ~ etc)
  • reusable with hash userids
    (e.g. chris:6 ~ chris:u ~ chris:1 ~ etc)
  • reusable with hash userids and followed by the domainname thats hashed
    (e.g. chris:6@christitustech:1 ~ chris:1@chrislover7:y ~ etc)

0 voters

What about the other systems suggested already?
Also regular domain names is not suggested at all. NRS is not domains at all and there is no concept of tld

I am afraid for you that your polls will not reveal useful results.

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