New to MaidSafe, have some basic questions about the project

That’s a lot of questions so I’ll take one and others can jump in to…

(3) It seems that every application on the network will be app-based, which will be downloaded and will connect to Maidsafe via an API, rather than “browser” based. What languages will be used to support the applications, and where can I go to learn the basics of building applications for MaidSafe? I’m coming from a PHP background (which will likely not be compatible with Maidsafe), so would love some pointers on what I would need to learn to contribute.

This is not the case, both web apps and downloadable apps are supported.

Wrappers will allow access via all the usual languages to the C++ API calls, so if you’d like to help maybe look at creating some PHP wrappers. That would be fantastic!

For static websites, a plugin will bridge the gap between existing browsers and public shares containing static HTML.

For dynamic websites, I’m not clear on exactly how this will work because it’s not been invented yet, but they are coming you can be sure of that. There’s even some code on Github for a decentralized blogging system that I’m sure we could adapt.

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