NAT Traversal & Bootstrapping

If I download binaries from which will connect me to SAFE, say client.exe and I run it for the first time. What is the very first thing computers say to each other…? Okay here we go.

I start client.exe and in these bianries are the IP-addresses of 5 seed-nodes owned by Maidsafe. In these little .exe is the public key of these seeds-nodes as well. So the moment my client connects for the first time ever to some bootstrap-server at Maidsafe it’s fully encrypted. And what’s the first thing my client will say to that server (encrypted with their public key)… it says: hello, here’s my public key use this to talk back.

Here’s the reply by David where he explains this part. He says it’s actually a bit “mental” but encryption starts from bit 1.

So from connection 1, the first bits, no ISP or whoever will know my public key. Only the servers at Maidsafe will know. And the chance these are rigged is 0.0000000000000000000000000000000001% IMO. It’s not gonna happen, because no one has a clue where these servers are, or how to hack them from a distance.