My campaign to earn 1MM MAID in 1 year, 1 hour at a time, doing crowd directed SAFE development


I’ve thought of a related risk that would fall under my purview and I have a possible solution to propose.

I’ve stated that sponsored code I wrote for projects would be available in public GitLab repositories, however that should be further specified. Similar to @dimitar’s escrow/pool a community GitLab account could be created by an entity separate from myself.

The asset provenance would be:

  1. Community account creates empty repositories named for projects.
  2. I build with my account and in my forks of the repositories.
  3. From my account, I open merge requests with produced assets (code, documentation, etc.) in the repositories of the community account.
  4. Merge requests are accepted by community account, assets are merged, and assets are outside of my control.
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