Mozilla Mozfest London October 26 - 28 - requesting proposals

If I have the Safe FUSE drive running by then you could also demo it from the command line as in the following to create and publish a website:

mkdir public/my-dir
echo “Hello world!” > public/my-dir/index.html
mkdir dns/my-app
ln -s public/my-dir dns/my-app/www

See: SAFE as a mountable disk (safe-vfs): First version

I’ve got the framework working, so just need to hook up FUSE operations to the SAFE API, although that’s a decent amount of work as I’m building a JS layer to simplify the API at the same time. It is now at the stage where people could join in and help though, and if you wanted to demo the above this could be done as a shortcut.

Oh, and I’m on holiday until September lol