Moderation on . safenet links

There’s only 1 topic on this website for .safenet-links and that’s this one. Tonda started talking about that topic in his first reply here. If you took 2 seconds to check what this topic was all about you would’ve found this reply:

And even if you didn’t bother to do that you could’ve made one simple reply asking: “What was moderated?” And I would’ve explained it to you in details. Another option was to just Flag this topic saying you didn’t agree with any .safenet links being removed (even if there weren’t any) and make your point that way. But instead:

You jumped in this topic here with your first words being: “This is hilarious.” And next you go in sarcastic mode saying: “Oh well… Whatever. Lucky us, we are still protected from… something!” Without 1 .safenet link being removed from someone’s reply at all. In your last reply you agree you didn’t dive in this topic but that didn’t withhold you from making claims about unhappy mods removing links to some “quality porn”. Is that improving any discsussion?

But when it comes to your views about the blockchain 2 days ago, this is what others got:

And “jokers” isn’t the only qualification you gave them, because a few replies later you call them “clueless individuals” and “clowns”. Why is that? Because they jumped in to a topic without diving in the details?? Boy, these forum members these days!