Metacurrency / Ceptr - building a semantic, mashable, fully decentralised internet

No, I am vaguely aware of their progress but have not followed closely. They seem to have pivoted away from one of their most interesting ideas ‘current seas’, but I may be wrong in that. Also, they don’t seem to have done significant work on Ceptr in about two years (at least not the repo I watch), so I’m not holding my breath there.

If you have any accurate knowledge it would be helpful if you would summarise it here, because what I’ve said is really speculation based on tidbits.

They felt that they would be too long to complete Ceptr and so broke out a piece and then developed it as HoloChain and With an app. Holo which is the ledger system. So HOT or HoloFuel is the first Current-see.

They will definitely build out with numerous Current_sees as the main idea and I believe Zippy who is the maid developer is working on Ceptr with a growing crew behind the scenes.

They did an ICO that has now 10x so going strong.

There maid developer chat is here.

I do hope Maidsafe and Ceptr can collaberate somewhere along the line.

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