Meshnets on Maidsafe

I’m well aware of the central data center that computes the algorithm for proper wave propagation amongst interfering peers on the network, thus allowing this sort of wireless “virtualization”, but it might be possible to use maidsafe in place of that central server, making it decentralized. The idea with this, is instead of back hauling to the main internet, for this co-internet, you use the nodes on maidsafe to compute this inverse interfering wave propagation simulation, and broadcast that to the clients from maidsafe. Yes, maidsafe itself does obviously have to been part of the main internet or some other pre-established infrastructure, no-one is saying this infrastructure could serve as a full-on maidsafe backbone as you run into a chicken and egg problem, it’s a logical paradox, a node simulating the algorithm cannot be one that gets the wireless signal to itself, that’s impossible, there does need to be a further backhaul in that respect. So… Potentially you could have a parent maidsafe and child maidsafes who have some type of QoS agreement, possibly with different arrangements but still relying on the main protocol for data relay. The bottom line is tho, for data storage and especially computation, these child MeshNet maidsafes with high enough QoS, are just fine for most developers and users of the system and users of the co-Internet service bypass the main internet by relaying packets through maybe just one node or a few nodes (those deemed safe) that are part of a maidsafe network.

In this approach tho, it would be ideal if nodes performing this wave propagation simulation are just dedicated entirely to giving you signal, and nothing else. In this respect you could maybe even using some combination of FPGA, ASIC, and GPU Hardware to create individual machines stationed nearby or completely encompassed (like a total package) by every single one of these radio antennas.

Bottom line, the data-centers only purpose is to calculate what amounts to an interference pattern, then send that to clients, leaving you with a clear signal. There’s nothing stopping any willing participant with some other pre-established connection from running this software, besides of course, it being Artemis’s intellectual property :wink: