Mesh network question

ISP can monitor trafic that goes through it, if people become ISP will they be able to spy on each other or is there a solution,encryption maybe?

Look up CJDNS, all info is in there. It is a bidirectional router that only serves one purpose, deliver the data to the end point encrypted. It is a dummy router that does not know anything about the data but the routing space address. It just needs to deliver to that routing space address. The beauty of this is that all you need is to connect one peer, and have that peer connect to another peer. And so on. You could communicate with another person who isn’t directed connected to you as long there is another peer that is connected to you, and other user who is connected to him.

A wants to talk to D and it doesn’t know C.
A knows B, B knows C, C knows D.
A sends data to B, B to C, C to D.

Imagine with the combination with safenet, your ip is scrubbed after the first hop. Your peer is the only one that knows you transfered encrypted data to the network.

aren’t satellite owned by the government?

No. A lot of private companies uses it as well. There was a kickstarter qbox or something like that. Sends bunch of meshboxes in space. niche idea.