Memes for the SafeNetwork... Any suggestions?

Credit to @bigbtc for that one (I think). Pretty sure he said it in response to Kim’s suggestion about using it.

Agree though, love it :slight_smile:

Thanks for the thumbsup @Jabba - appreciate that and I think I recall using it but I think @ioptio may have been before me . Regardless, its now a community asset and a great hashtag and I look forward to it trending.

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Now I’ve got something I’m sure any bigot would LOVE to see when they think of SAFE. Allow ActiveX controls, and treat internet explorer like it’s 2004.


The answer to 1984 is: R U SAFE? :smile:

Memes are something that happen organically. They will happen once this project works and people start using it.

You can put enormous effort and millions in creating them, and they will still fail. On the other hand you can put millions in fighting them, and they still prevail.

One of the most current examples of this is CTR/the clinton campaign spending millions and gaining next to nothing, while trump campaign spends next to nothing, and still gain primetime news coverage of how “pepe the frog” is radical.

One was spontaneous, the other was planned and bought.

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