Memes for the SafeNetwork... Any suggestions?

I like that network background… but would keep the meme to simply “A problem shared…” or coupled with “your privacy is SAFE”

Perhaps there are alternate backgrounds that can represent data fragmented as files move across the SAFE boundary?

Is your data SAFE?
Is your customer’s data SAFE?
Share your data SAFEly.

Where is the SAFEst place for your data?
When you give a company personal data, do they keep it SAFE?
What is the SAFEst way to store data?
How do you keep data SAFE?
Why worry when you can share data SAFEly.
When you don’t know who to trust, keep your data SAFE.
Who owns your data owns you; own your privacy SAFEly.

Useful perhaps to have link to a simple FAQ, that can lead to more depth where that’s wanted.

Worthwhile iterating through the different audiences, individual; small business; large corporate; Government, and then their uses for SAFE - keeping data secure; sharing data; archiving data; evidencing data… and I expect some more beyond those. We perhaps need advertising that pulls at each and all of those groups.

There is advertising in London atm, which from memory/impression is promoting awareness and that suggesting ~84% of small businesses have experienced data breaches. Any such official advertising encouraging awareness could be co-opted as all the more reason to move to SAFE. Quick search for that throws from 2013 …“It showed 87% of small firms experienced a security breach last year, up 10%. 93% of large organisations had also been targeted.” More small businesses hit by cyber attacks - GOV.UK

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Once the network is alive and healthy I believe infographics will make a powerful impression. Its hard to do much on that end till we get a good look at MAID in the ring. I feel a Holly Holmes / Rhonda Rousey meme in the making :wink:

Couldn’t help finding a link to below that article. :slight_smile:

From there I found this, and loved the motto at the bottom.


For gaining attaction on a larger/broader scale, I would keep it more lighthearted. Simple, and straightforward. Do not put the paternalistic “How about you?” under the pic, please… Just add, in smaller text, down right somewhere, the place where the Safe Launcher can be downloaded.

(Same pic is used for vita coin if I’m right, so I’m not sure if this pic should also be used for Safe Network/Safecoin. I used it just to give you an idea.)

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Lighthearted is good… Fear bad. Agreed



SAFE, an answer to the problem of fascist media and fascist states.

couldn’t stop thinking about this one while working in a liquor store, walking around doing nothing by myself except laughing

On Safenet, you decide what’s safe.

Making work voluntary.

Fire the employer class.

Wages not profits…

back wages with interest

…ending the delusion of thinking we can order people around with money.

the death of the capitalists class

profits are an inefficient ineffective use of capital

if there is profit it should not be wasted on capitalists

Secure Access For EVERYONE… even political wingnuts!


But I’d like a more PC term than “wingnuts!”

Secure Access For EVERYONE… and moonbats.

Who about blue wombats?

Thought I’d point this out in case it was missed.



I recently posted the following:

So for a meme maybe it’s better something like: “Hey…where is the host in your URL !?!” (it’s my first meme attempt ever, so please don’t laugh, I’m new to twitter also…yes…I know! :slight_smile: )


I like the #notablockchain part! :slight_smile:

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What does it mean???