Marketing: putting apps first

Good luck with that… You are 100% correct but also 100% deluded (sorry!) if you think that is ever likely to happen. Once word of “uncensorable” reaches the people I will now call InternetDregs, we will have plenty data to store - almost all of it unsavoury (IMHO) in the eyes of most folks. And it’s “most folks” we need to appeal/sell this to. So filtering - and it will be fairly crude to begin with - MUST be available at an early stage. This links back to multiple earlier threads from years back, I will try find them and post here.[1] [2] [3]

Nobody is guaranteeing filtering - I simply contend that it will be a "most-desired" feature and some users (especially parents) will regard it as “essential”. Done right it will be a very profitable area to be in.

Yep fully agree on that, sadly

  2. Yet another suggestion for filtering objectionable content
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