MaidSafeCoin (MAID) - Price & Trading topic (Part 1)

There is a strong debate constantly happening in regard to Marketing (e.g. see Preparing a coordinated marketing campaign) and whether we should broaden our horizons in terms of attracting people now or wait until its closer to launch. I am not unbiased in this debate but would like to keep the debate in other threads and focus on poll responses on here. Judging by 2017, a year where we went from top 10 (
Historical Snapshot - 01 January 2017 | CoinMarketCap) to under top 50, if we continue to neglect reaching out to the wider crypto community we will continue to slide down. So my question is where do we want to be this year; if you don’t care about marketing then does this have a floor and where is this floor at.

  1. Top 10

  2. Top 25

  3. Top 50

  4. Top 100

  5. Top 250

  6. Top 500

  7. Doesn’t matter how low down we sink this year even if we go below top 500

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