MaidSafeCoin (MAID) - Price & Trading topic (Part 1)

Hope you’ll be true but I am skeptical… Would be very surprised if it reach1$ again…

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As I said if you don’t think it will get back not even to $1 (when it is launched full featured), it is effectively means it is worth zero, which is insane.
Then why are you still holding your MAID? Sell it to me.


Why are you so skeptical? Because you think safenetwork will never launch?

Whatever @piluso offers, I will match it and give you another $0.01 per coin


He is saying that even if it launches, it would never get back to $1, which is just absurd.
Just Monero, which has only one use case (anonymous currency) has a market cap of 1 billion and zcash is half of that.
SafeNetwork not only covers that function more efficiently than any of them, it will be frictionless and costless transactions… and he thinks that MaidSafeCoin will just stay frozen at 50 million market cap?

I just don’t understand how he fails to realize that this project would cover all the use cases of Sia+Storj+Zeronet+IPFS+Monero/Zcash+Freenet+Tor+Backuping companies+Hosting+CDNs+IoT+etc…

Even if its market share weren’t dominating in all of them, sooner or later it will definitely have an significant chunk in at least one of them (personally I think it will render all of them just obsolete, and I am not talking rendering obsolete a feature or a company, but whole industries).
Considering that it will not appreciate at least 10x is just nonsense.


Shhh - dont put him off, I want his coins…


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Shouldn’t the CoinMarketCap Max Supply for MAID be 452,552,412 and the Circulating Supply and Total Supply reflect the current amount of issued MAID?
What is the total amount of issued MAID at this time? Why doesn’t the circulating supply reflect the currently issued amount on CMC?

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Max supply or total potential supply would be ~4.3 billion although we would need mass adoption and potentially years or a few decades of world wide use to see that amount ever on hand. The other numbers are correct.


Market is efficient. If Maidsafecoin is only 0.10$ there are some reasons… Maybe you consider other crypto early adopters as stupid but this project has been developed for years so far, and crypto people still not invest in it…

HA! ‌‌ ‌‌ ‌‌


Market is herd mentality. Patiently awaiting the stampede.


Uhm let’s see what happens then. But don’t be too surprised if it never rise again above 1$

Lots to dig into there. But how did you get around the 20 character rule?

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My previous answer is the Exhibit A of Information Asymmetry… and therefore it is in itself a proof that an “efficient market” is just bullshit :wink:


Yeah. It’s a nice theory though. Thanks for the bribe btw.

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This is always the issue with social media and forums and such. There is no risk in you saying that it won’t make it back above $1. In real life, a wager follow conviction.


I disagree it’s all or nothing. I have played some great indie video games I am like damn this is wayyy better then anything Blizzard entertainment ever put out. But for some reason it only ever gets up to a small cult following. I think the difference is Blizzard hires Chuck Norris to endorse their mediocre game so it goes to the moon. I can totally see this just being a cult hit that achieves medium gains, rather then zero or infinity.

Not to say the value isn’t there. The people that discover it will get huge value. But I find high value hole in the wall things all the time.

Medium value is a little different than the struggle back to a $1

A game, is one use case in a niche.
The SafeNetwork is all the use cases, and most of them are in great demand.

I am sorry but I don’t see any scenario where this couldn’t appreciate more than 10x if at launch it checks all the boxes.


ok so the market segment here is like everyone… fine I can accept that. In my analogy the maximum potential market is like people that play MMORPGs… ok fine. I really just mean I could see it only saturating a medium percentage of the potential market that has big use cases for it… although that should still be at least a 10X gain minimum I suppose