MaidSafeCoin (MAID & eMAID) - Price & Trading topic (Part 2)

That’s not what I said, and you repeating your own opinions over and over again doesn’t make them true or any more convincing.

What I actually said was that Mastodon toots get more engagement than tweets even if you have far fewer followers on Mastodon, and that this is widely confirmed by others.


FWIW Quality over quantity for Mastodon
There is still overwhelmingly more quantity on Twitter and we should be using both to their fullest potential - once we have something that the rest of the world - NOT just us - can cheer about.
@JimCollinson is quite right - the Twitter vs Mastodon argument is a complete waste of time for now.


I’ve been keen to increase my holdings under $0.20, and recent developments have encouraged me to stock up, but you can’t buy much without forcing the price up.

I think the price hasn’t jumped dramatically because MAID is still risky ahead of a stable test network.

While I hope recent developments will quickly lead to a stable network, there’s a risk we could see something similar to the run of 19 testnets in 2017 that were exciting, but worked to reveal underlying weaknesses in the network design / implementation & stability remained elusive.

I’m hoping this will be different and deliver what MaidSafe have been working towards for many years. Achieving a successful test network will be a game changer for risk / reward, and therefore the MAID price… and more importantly, I expect releasing a stable network will be a game-changer for humanity!


Haha. Nicely played down.


Don’t think I’ve been in here for 6-12 months. Appears nothing has changed. Still weekly updates?

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There are some major positive changes. This update is a good place to start:


It feels like I have read similar in the past. 2 questions:

  1. Any actual dates on a network launch?

  2. I’m assuming my original omni MAID are still fine and conversion to emaid was still only a choice?

They expect to have “JoshNet” out in the next few weeks, which will be what they are calling an Alpha network.

Yes, your OMNI Maid is still safe, but if you have it sitting with Bittrex you may consider moving it to cold storage because of some regulatory issues with the US they are having. It may not effect their world exchange, but it may, we really don’t know.


Wow……back to “alpha”. Sounds good but not good.

Thank you for the advice, still sitting in paper wallets after many years so no worries.


To my knowledge, they never called any of their previous releases an Alpha network. They believe they have the whole network figured out and while they expect the JoshNet to be unstable and likely fail at some point, it is different then the past where they were working on random pieces. This will be the network they are releasing, maybe with some bugs, but it will be the network.


Basically they’re going back to Kademlia, which is what I always thought they were working with anyway. libp2p library being updated in certain regards has solved some networking issues that were a roadblock in the past? Something like that? Anyway there should actually be something this time.

Unless a dev wants to tell me something else as vital as say Kademlia needs to still be reworked in. I guess I am meaning: is there any other part that was tried a workaround for and is still being worked around? Like, the issue that libp2p solves, are there still other areas where it seems like there will be a roadblock? i.e. A too-many sunk cost fallacies and wheels turning too-hard, kind of thing, which has already been acknowledged by everyone, but hopefully in its entirety this time.


Libp2p is not perfect yet, but close enough.

I cannot see any other roadblocks here, just stitch is all up and get launched with a crap load of testing and hammering at this as we go.


We’ve had lots of Alphas, and will continue to do so. It’s really just a way to designate where in a lifecycle a given set of code is. It’s pretty standard practice.

It shouldn’t be used as a predictor of timescales, it’s just a harmonisation of language, and a way to manage a process.


He hasn’t posted anything on this Forum since last July of last year.

@Dimitar, I’m planning to start using DEX to sell EMAID. I know you have given plenty of tips around in different threads, but could you give a short summary of a possible mistakes a first-timer could make? I will of course do an extensive search and learn from other sources, too.

Pinging @DeusNexus, too.


Cryptovigilante’s next pick on May 2nd… This time MAID?

This might have gone unnoticed yesterday.

You can even automate your MAID trades now


Only for the bigger traders - its going to cost ~$4 just to approve a spending limit, let alone do any trades.

Peanuts to them, big deal if you want to suck it and see for 2000 tokens.

I am sure there will be alternative cheaper ways round this - I’ll let you all find out and tell me :slight_smile:


Minor frustration at the moment is CMC seems to have changed us to self reporting supply on both MAID and eMAID…

So we are ranking in the 4000s, when the true cap puts us in the 200s.

We’ve submitted a ticket or two, but no resolution as yet.